Calling all Band to RNY Revisionistas
Hi Annac, I understand completely. I didn't realize how nervous I would be until surgery was scheduled then I was like, oh crap, this is really gonna happen! I was scared and worried but I knew that I needed this or my health was just going to keep deteriorating as my weight increased. Listening and reading about others experiences after revision really helped me alot. So many are so happy with their RNY revision, it gave me hope, when I needed it most. So definitely keep us posted on how you're doing. We're all here for support!

Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.
I was only in the hospital 1 night. Had surgery Tuesday afternoon and was released Wednesday afternoon. My first few days were rough, I'm not gonna lie. I was in a bit of pain because my surgeon used the same incision where I had my band port removed and it was really tender. I used pain meds for the first 3 days I was home and then the pain got quite a bit better. I also couldn't drink very much at all the first 5 days or so, the nausea was pretty bad. It would take me over an hour to drink a shot glass of water or protein shake, but then almost overnight, I was able to drink better. Now, I am getting in all my protein and almost all my water. Just went in today for my 2 week post op and my doc advanced me to Stage 3 soft foods! We'll see how that goes but I am feeling so much better this week ?

Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.