Whats on your Sunday menu RNYers?
Well I tried coffee again this morning for the first time in awhile. Right after surgery I couldn't drink it....it didn't taste good and made me feel nauseous. Well same thing this morning. Took a couple sips and had to pour the rest down the drain which makes me sad because before surgery I loved coffee....and it's so hard now because I love the smell of it, but once I try to drink some it's just not happening. I can drin****d coffee just fine, but hot coffee does not sit well....sigh. I will try again in a few months.
B: premier shake
L: leftover scallops
D: Not sure yet...may be eating out with the family.
S: either a Greek yogurt or some laughing cow cheese

Surgery: RNY on 1/23/19
on 6/9/19 1:33 pm
I wasn't approved to drink coffee for about the first 9 months, due to it's acidity. Even after being approved i rarely indulged. It's only been over the past couple of months that I have gotten back into it. Though I enjoy it, I think I will phase out again for a while, and return to tea. I found it easier to hit my fluids goal when I was a tea person.
on 6/9/19 1:56 pm
Hi everyone! Happy Sunday!
Thanks Karen for once again starting us off. So glad you had fun at the museum!
I finally explored the private road I live on, in the direction further away from the public road. There are two steep hills, a large pond which looks like a perfectly messy moose wallow at the far end, three more properties, and then it simply ends in the woods. I walked it with my phone out of curiosity, and going there and back is 0.9 miles, 2466 steps, and the equivalent of 8 floors! I like the 8 floors part - I think it should be good for my thighs to walk that a couple of times a day (not that anything but surgery will really improve the looks of my thighs! And it's scenic and convenient - right outside my door!
Speaking of PS, I have to say that I find many of thigh lift before-and-after photos online to be disappointing. Some of the After pics aren't even distinguishable from the Before pics. Who would be happy, after going through the trauma, pain, and expense, to see only a minimal difference? I would love to have smooth thighs - mine are slender but there is a lot of extra skin which drapes downward and looks awful. I don't need to look 25 (though I'd be thrilled), I just hope that one day I'll be able to wear a modest bathing suit at the beach and not feel terribly embarrassed. I did make appointments for PS consultations at the conference in October - we'll see what they all say.
First: coffee (Peet's Major Dickason's), cashew milk, and SF, carb free syrup
B: the last of the Trader Joe's turkey meatloaf
L: a tuna packet, a little mixed greens
D: ham. Maybe with a hard-boiled egg, or made into an omlette.
Have a beautiful day, all!
I've heard some people claim that of all the plastic surgeries they've had, they got the least "wow factor" out of their thigh lift. Of course, it probably depends on how much drape-y skin one has. I do have drape-y skin there, but it's not awful. I mean, wouldn't wear short shorts or a mini-skirt, but at my age, I wouldn't do that *anyway*. In pants, I look perfectly fine. I'm pretty sure I'd be one of those who would end up somewhat disappointed if I had a thigh lift.
I think of all my areas, I'm a bit underwhelmed with my arm lift. They do look better, but I wasn't blown away like I was with my lower body lift and my breast lift. But then, I did have bat wings, but I've seen way worse. Relatively speaking, mine weren't terrible. On the other hand, my abs and my boobs liked *awful*. They look great now.
on 6/9/19 11:52 pm, edited 6/9/19 4:52 pm
I like myself in pants too, thank goodness. Even just wearing a pair of tights smooths everything out nicely. Still, I hope to look better out of clothes in the future than I do now. I've seen a few photos of amazing thigh PS results, but it doesn't seem to be all that common. My issue there is really just skin, not fat and skin, so maybe that's more workable. I don't know.
All y'all old married folks already have a mate who knows and loves you, fat or thin, in need of plastics or newly contoured - bless you all! But those of us who are single and not yet intimately involved have a special set of fairly terrifying possibilities of rejection ahead of us, at least until we have what (hopefully successful) plastics we can manage to have. And then we have to explain our scars! It's enough to scare one into celibacy - if only that were more fun! But it's really just not. Or maybe it's just me - quite a few people have been better than me at choosing boyfriends (let alone mates) who see with wisdom and kindness and love, beyond the surface. I'm so glad that you've had such successful plastic surgery experiences, and I hope that my own will be as happy.