Mental Health - Living bypas
RNY approaches the first anniversary of curing and I continue to regret. I had BMI 40. I improved for a few weeks of regret, but he returned. Yesterday for the first time I could hear a joyful song as an exercise. Today my husband put on a cheerful song to cheer me up and I felt so much sadness. I feel like I'm not normal like other people without RNY. I really want to feel good. The fact that I have changed my bowel is what hurts the most. Yesterday I was in the gynecologist and every doctor i has to say that I do not take Nonsteroidal Antiflammatory is a torture. The doctors turn to me and say, "I've never seen it." It's so hard. I feel that my quality of life has worsened rather than improved. I knew I would have to take vitamines all my life, but I did not know it was such complicated monitoring. And if a tragedy happens, I die without vitamins ... I feel dependent. Listening and reading about body positivity is difficult too, it seems like they are saying how I made a bad decision. I am with psychological, psychiatric, acupuncture, nutritionist.
I do not know what to do. I've been away from work since the surgery. What brought me good? The control of the parameters in the exams, but is this enough health when everything falls apart?
I could not get to the gym these two weeks.
"Things without all remedy Should be without regard: what's done, is done" ~ Shakespeare, Macbeth
With all due respect you are choosing to make yourself miserable. And yes, that is a choice.
You need to stop looking backward at something that is now a done deal. OR, if you're as miserable as you seem, find a doc to take your RnY down. It can be done but you'll need a super good surgeon. A lot of this angst could be eliminated if you just chose to look at your future and stay out of your past. At least for awhile. There's absolutely NOTHING you can do to change that decision you made to have WLS.
You can train yourself to look forward and to learn all of your options. Then check in with the doc to get their input as well. But find a good one. I've never heard of doc not ever seeing the no NSAID's rule. Stay away from body positivity groups for now. You're correct in your interpretation of their literature. WLS is looked at with a good dose of scorn from those folks and that isn't going to help you right now.
Honestly I'm now all out of suggestions right now. You've gotten a ton of input. Have you tried any of it out? You may find something that makes things much more bearable to you.
Good Luck. Either determine you can and will stay the course, or get the revision/take-down process started right now. You're not doing yourself any favors holding on to this. Also, I'm not sure we've ever seen your height and weight. If you'd share them with us we would have a bigger and better picture.
Hang in there. Make the best choices possible for you. You're the one that will be living in that body for (hopefully) many, many more years. In the meantime try to pamper yourself a bit. Our bodies need that at times but most of us don't work hard enough at loving our bodies and treating them with love.
Take care. Make a solid concrete decision and you're going to be just fine.
You're a almost year out and you've never returned to work? I think there is a much deeper issue going on then your feelings about the RNY.
Your doctors are unique-- every doctor I have reminds me that NSAID usage is not recommended, they don't call it torture. Its what they as physicians Are responsible for reminding me as part of their care for my health. Luckily I don't need them- but I'm confident they would work with me if something was required, not just write me off as if I signed my own fate by having RNY. I would not be confident in a Doctor who framed things like this. But they could be responding in kind to how YOU are presenting the information.
You will not die without vitamins. Guess what- yesterday I missed a dose of calcium, crazy thing is I'm still here today. And trust that wasn't the first or last miss. Consistentcy-- not perfection will keep you healthy, health will keep you alive.
I'm not sure how you even cleared the psych evaluation for surgery frankly. Dozens here have encouraged- short of begged you to get professional help. You seem to dance around that very crucial piece of advice and instead stand neck deep in self-pity. How far is that getting you?
I wish you the best.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI
I agree, but I dont know chang my mind.
Teaching you how to change your mind and your thought processes is a job for your psychiatrist and/or psychologist. Are you still seeing them? Are they the same ones you mentioned back in your first few posts?
If they are, I strongly suggest new ones. Because whoever you are dealing with now seems to be no help at all. Sometimes we have to work really hard just to find the professionals that can help us and that we can trust. It's worth it though.
Staying with those who've not produced any meaningful, quantifiable assistance is a waste of time and money.
You need help to get yourself over this hump and it's help that we can't provide you. Find someone else or force those you're with to step up their game. I was completely serious when I mentioned taking down your RnY. But that's a big decision and you need to be able to run it by someone you can trust. Someone who is paying attention to your struggles and knows your big picture.
Take care of yourself, but make up your mind. If you choose to take down the bypass, great. If you choose to work to accept and utilize the bypass, great. Whatever you decide is just fine. But make that conscious decision and go from there. These continual posts about how unhappy you are? They aren't helping you.
Time to make a decision and move forward with whatever you choose.
I see the psiquiatry and psichologist every week.
I decid move on with bypass, don't revert the cirurgy.
Sorry for posts, the answers this group helpme so much.
I know, my mind is confused. I hope help other people with my conditions in the future. My formation like psichologist dont helpme, but in the future can help other people.
You don't have to apologize for your posts. You can post as much as you want here so please don't add that to your list of worries.
I'm glad you are decided to keep your surgery. Staring down your fears and concerns is going to make you a much stronger person in the end.
Personally, I still feel like you need different psych docs. Yours aren't helping you very much are they? Truly you should consider trading them in for others who may help you more.
Also have you tried a google search for helps with WLS regrets? Who knows. Maybe you'll find some help that way or at the very least you'll find some things to think about.
You've got a lot of work ahead of you but you can beat this back. Soon you'll have more good days than bad. And slowly but surely you'll start to feel better.
Take care.