
on 2/15/19 4:42 am

I am 12 years out, and now have spinal stenois, degenerative disc disease, arthritis all over. I am tired of the way opiods make me feel. I may try NSAIDs. Anyone else have tried anything else?

H.A.L.A B.
on 2/15/19 6:23 am, edited 2/14/19 10:23 pm

Just be aware that they may create a serious problem.

Specially the remnant stomach. We can't take medicine to coat the tissues when it gets irritated or get an ulcer, and in a long term, pain could be the only indication that something is wrong. Taking pain meds (NSAIDs, or opiates) may prevent you even feeling that pain until things gets really serious, like bleeding perforated ulcer, leaking acids and tissue into the space in your abdominal cavity. The only way to repair that would be a surgery.

Post RNY long term I have GERD that already affected my esophagus. My pain management doc would like me to try some NSAIDS, but my gastro is really against that. He even offered to talk to my pain doc if more explanation is needed. It was not needed brcbeca when I mentioned Barrett Esophagus to him, he understood.

Even NSAIDs creams or patches are not recommended, since the medication is systematic, and it affects the stomach regardless if taken orally or any other way.

But IMO, creams or patches should be much safer, because they could deliver the medication to the affected area, therefore typically much less is needed so the blood concentration of NSAIDs should be much lower therefore less dangerous.

I am not a doc, neither I played one on TV, but I deal with pain and I researched that.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 2/15/19 8:33 am
RNY on 07/19/18

I was told that Nsaids irritate the stomach and can cause ulcers and damage to the stomach. I have migraines and can't use my regular treatment of Aleve and Rx meds. So, it's just the Rx meds. I understand what you are saying I don't like how my meds make me feel, sluggish and not with it.

Good luck figuring it out.

RNY 7/19/2018 HW 267 SW 249 CW 195 GW 125

on 2/25/19 12:38 pm

I'm not a doc either but I am 63 years old and, although generally healthy, have developed some aches and pains....some because of joint degeneration from years of carrying the excess weight. I found a fair bit of relief from the OTC pain patches, but the real discovery for me was CBD oil. No marijuana THC component, as this is a hemp extract product. I am now able to sleep through the night without waking up with hip pain, and I can do more than one errand at a time without my hips really hurting. There are MANY sources to research - I won't give name brands here but I order from a Vermont based company. General advice is to steer clear of multi level marketers. It's legal in all states, by the way.

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