How did you feel post op ??

on 1/25/19 2:00 pm - NJ

I had my surgery Wed AM. (My previous post was about me and how I had the sleeve done in 2013) and was wondering if anyone else felt the way I am feeling. After the sleeve, I had no pain, no "strange" abdominal feeling,etc. Now I feel "strange" in my abdomen like there are parts of me in a floating like sensation. Sounds really strange I know! This time I feel physically different, had really bad pains after the surgery (enough where I needed morphine) and feel sort of "bloated"? Just wanted to get other opinions and see how many others felt or feel the same.


on 1/25/19 2:25 pm
RNY on 08/11/14

I am sorry you are feeling discomfort. If it seems really concerning to you, the best bet is to contact your center and run your symptoms by them but I am sure you already know that :)

Aside from that, the worst pain I had was in my shoulder from the gas. It got better the more I was up and walking but it did take a few days to feel better. I do recall feeling a little bloated/swollen but not bad. I think it's important to remember that you are filled with fluid and air prior and during surgery.

Sip/Walk like it's your JOB...

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 1/25/19 2:38 pm - NJ

Thanks! My anxiety kicks in and I start worrying like crazy! I am sure it is normal considering all that was done to me! Luckily, I think most of the gas was gone before I left the hospital. I kept walking around the hall for that and exercise. Experiencing the discomfort of the tube down the throat and sore ribs doesn't help.

Figured it wouldn't hurt to see if anyone felt the same being a kangaroo and carrying it's baby! LOL Thanks again!

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 1/25/19 2:46 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

The surgeon usually inflates your abdomen with gas to create room to perform the surgery. It can take a while for the gas to work its way out of your system, which can make you feel bloated. You may have also received IV fluids while in the hospital, and that can lead to bloat as well.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 1/25/19 4:38 pm - NJ

I think they drowned me with IV fluids! LOL I had so many bags replaced. As long as this is all "normal" after surgery, then I'll feel better. Hubby said I'm worrying too much.

Thanks for responding!

on 1/25/19 3:27 pm
RNY on 01/23/19

Hi, I had my surgery Wednesday morning as well and have had a lot of the same symptoms as you. I was also released to go home yesterday afternoon.

I've had lots of pain and bloating in my abdomin. It also feels like my insides are floating around.....especially on the drive home. Such a strange feeling! How are you doing on getting your fluids and protein in? Are you on an all liquid diet at the moment or can you have puréed foods? I'm on liquids and puréed foods for the first month. It is so hard though because I stay so nauseated! Just the thought or smell of food makes me sick.

I'm also suffering from migraines at the moment which doesn't help with the nausea. Any kind of artificial sweeteners seem to trigger them so it's been a real struggle. I just want to feel normal again. It's also hard for me to sleep. Walking is about the only thing that helps me so I try to walk as much as possible. I go from being hungry and wanting food and then being nauseous and not wanting anything. It's also tough watching my family eating all of this delicious food and smelling it. The hardest was last nigh****ching them eat chocolate pie. :(

My biggest issue is knowing when I'm full. I don't know if the pain I feel is from the surgery or from being full. I barely eat a spoonful of whatever I'm eating before I stop out of fear. I guess in time I'll start to figure things out. I hear it gets easier. I sure hope so!

on 1/25/19 5:05 pm - NJ

Hey girl! I remember you saying you were having your surgery the same day!!

What you experienced, I too experienced. Yes, very strange! LOL Every doctor does things differently. I could only have clear fluids after I had my leak test. Once it showed no leaks, I got sugar free clear drinks, SF jello, broth consummate, plain tea(hot or cold). Oh and ice chips! LOL So far nothing with protein. I did get sick last night after taking liquid med. for pain. The dr. told me to don't take it. But I think it was from the anesthesia. I think I had a pretty heavy dose of it Wed. Horrible to get sick after having major surgery. So far, knock on wood, no more sickness. I've done all water today, some hot caffeine free peppermint tea and a little bit of SF jello. My hubby just got me Premier Protein Water but waiting to let it get cold before I drink it. Otherwise, days 4 to 13 is Full Liquids. Days 14 to 20 is the puree/mushy stage. I know some people have the same reaction as you. So far, I haven't. My friend got over that phase with the smells. Give it time or maybe put Vick under your nose?

I'm sorry about the migraines. I also get them. I had one the entire time I was at the hospital when I was sleeved. Horrific! Nothing they gave me helped. I am on medication for when I get them. It's a small pill and my doctor has said I can take pills, just not all at once. And if it is big, cru**** or empty the capsule and put it in applesauce (I use the baby applesauce). It's a very big adjustment mentally. You have to be very mindful of what you are eating. The first time I got Gerber baby spoons to help with eating. I ate by a clock, put food in my mouth, chewed/swallowed the puree food, and put the spoon down. Savor the flavor of each food. It should take 45 minutes to eat. Yes, seems long but you will learn how to do it.

I hope your family is supportive of you with this new journey. It will only make it harder on you if they are not. Did you have the sleeve or the bypass done?

Go slow when eating. Recognize the sensation in your stomach, for it to feel different. If you do overeat, your body will let you know. You can start sweating, mouth watering until you end up vomiting. I've had that happen the first time around. Not fun! Also, you may feel pain in your upper chest area. It took at least a half hour to subside or I made myself get sick because it was a horrible pain. Yes, it does get easier. The first 6 months were the learning time for me and healing. Will take a year for everything inside to heal. You'll do good! You did this for YOU! Something to remember: You want to eat to live not live to eat!

Keep me posted on how you are doing! By the way, I am in NJ. How about you?

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