on 11/28/18 3:15 am
I kept meaning to post but feel so behind on everything right now. I am doing a modified CAMAW. I feel like I might need to see how my body feels but I need to be honest and realize that I am not getting enough hydration and really I should be eating more CAMAW most of the time with water or healthy fluids to goal + most of the time anyway. I am easing into the CAMAW but I got serious about it yesterday. I got a little hangry...which did not have to happen and was due to not meal planning on my part, for myself. My BF called me "uber uber -itchy" and nicknamed me OOh-Bee for now. I am not my *****y self but to be fair he went through the drive through and even after declining the holiday pie offer he bought them anyway and then ate his food in the car (oh the smells while I sipped on my G2 after grocery shopping and realizing how low on fluids I was for the day), and then dangled a damn pie in front of me AGAIN before I had to be pretty firm with NO. ENOUGH. PLEASE. I would love to drown my sorrows in carbs right now but I reflected while grocery shopping, (he had asked if I wanted chocolates) that I really wanted certain things but I knew that they were like poison for me. I am not judging anyone else but I just can't stop. I let myself have a piece and then I am grazing and eating steadily when I am not even hungry. I feel bloated, gross, lethargic and always say never again but then it draws me in again as I lie to myself that somehow next time will be different. Post op eating/CAMAW with a little give is probably what will keep me feeling best with health issues so I am sticking as close to CAMAW as I can
I put on weight while I was in the hospital due to iv fluids but it is water and I am waiting to see what happens there. I can tell it is swelling due to edema in my feet/sock area mostly and sometimes even in my wrist area etc. but I can feel it subsiding slowly. I think CAMAW and upping my fluids will have me back to feeling more like myself. The ulcer meds are very constipating and that combined with not exercising/moving like I usually do and not enough fluids had me feeling really badly. I have another scope Friday and I want to be sure to be hydrated when they are digging around for a vein. They usually run a bag of fluids with the sedation but I am not sure what is in it, (this scope is at a different hospital so I am nervous if it will be very different and of course hoping for good results/improvement).