A question for the vets
I just got myself some pistachios. I ate about 1oz of them, and oh sweet mercy did I get sick. It did everything to me the same as when I get dumping syndrome. How in the world did I get this off of nuts? Just lightly salted pistachios. Nothing else on them, and they were already shelled. I got it in the health food section, I thought it would be great to eat once in awhile because they have great potasium and fiber and the protein isn't bad. Oh my gosh did I get sick on them. I thought they might be ok, even though I had previously tried some peanut butter and same thing with that. I thought perhaps it was the oil or added sugar in peanut butter. But same exact thing... does anyone know why I might be getting dumping symptoms on nuts?

i only can have a few pistachios, or a few cashews, or walnuts. They don't agree with my pouch. even now- 10 years post op.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
It could be that they're just too fatty/rich for your system. I get that way with cashews, to a lesser extent, but I'm okay with peanuts and pistachios.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
Yes, but you also think people should not eat two eggs at a time and you think we who " snack" are going to gain back our weight or that we're gluttons or something.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
Really I'm not sure on the dumping from Nuts but from what I have read from others it does seem like some people have a hard time dealing with them. I can have nuts and TBH i feel like they are a weakness of mine cause while they do have protein and fiber they also have higher calories then other better nutrient rich foods. Also I know eating pistachios and other nuts can help relieve constipation. I was about to ask if your eating too much of them but I reread your post and 1 oz does not seem like too large a portion. I have only got 1 real bad reaction so far since my surgery back on Halloween 2017. That was about a month after surgery I ate maybe a quarter cup of homemade applesauce with no added sugar and it caused my my whole body to get ice cold and shake and shiver like some bad actor over playing a role with Parkinsons. It lasted about 30-45 min and I have been terrified of trying applesauce again. Anyway I wish you good luck and safe eating in the future. Maybe the nuts issue will be a phase and over time you will be able to handle them better.

on 7/27/18 8:25 am
I can't speak to the dumping issue. But honestly, you could do MUCH better on the protein. Nuts are too high in calories for the protein they provide; ideally, your snacks should have at least 10g protein per 100 calories. 1oz of pistachios have about 150 calories and only 6 g protein.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Ya, that is why I figured it would be a once in a while thing. Kind of like a treat for me. But no way, not after the reaction I had with them. I think I will just forgo nuts and continue what I have been eating. Although yesterday my doctor told me I need to cut back on protein because mine was very high according to my bloodwork. Should I listen to doctor and cut back or should I continue on my path I have been. I don't feel bad and my kidneys are healthy.
Also, thank you to all who have given suggestions and answers I appreciate it. Good news is I'm down to 206.. bad news is, it is taking FOREVER!! and I'm only taking in 550-600 cals a day. Not sure if it's a good idea to cut back on that some more or just keep trudging. PCOS is such a bummer to have when your trying to loose weight. My body hangs onto every last drop of fat I have and only lets go reluctantly at best. Even without having any ovaries or uterus. I wish PCOS would of dissipated when those were removed but no such luck. Ahh well. I am 7 lbs away from wonderland and I can't wait!!!