Three months out and need to get honest

on 7/2/18 9:02 am
RNY on 03/26/18

I only had a 2 pound loss this month at three months out, that shouldn't happen this soon. I know exactly why it did - alcohol, plain and simple. I've developed a unhealthy habit of drinking White Russians or vodka lemonade. They don't hurt going down (no dumping or pain) they are a tasty sweet indulgence. They are also against my weightloss clinic advice and tons of useless calories! It stops today!

I'm posting it here to hold myself accountable. I had this surgery to help me successfully lose weight. I don't want to undo this great opportunity I have. So I have to get real, get honest.

Today i stop drinking alcohol and start logging my food intake. I will focus on taking in more water. If needed I'll pick up the phone and start therapy. I am determined to be a success story which means i have to do the work and be accountable.

Thank you for allowing me a forum to share and be vulnerable as well as accountable.

5'10" 57 years old
HW: 280
SW: 264
CW: 232
GW: 165-175
M1: -20 M2: -10 M3: -2 M4: tbd

(deactivated member)
on 7/2/18 9:12 am

If you feel you need help to stop drinking you may want to seek professional help.

i stopped my weight loss early by drinking. I could be a lot thinner. I started drinking again at three months out.

Alcohol does severe damage to your liver. It's not worth the calories.

i am almost five years out and it takes a lot more to effort to lose weight.

on 7/2/18 9:42 am
RNY on 03/26/18

Thank you for your reply! If I struggle with stopping drinking than I will definitely be seeking help. I understand the impact which is why I'm taking this step. So stupid to surgically alter my body to make a change and then screw myself up with alcohol.

5'10" 57 years old
HW: 280
SW: 264
CW: 232
GW: 165-175
M1: -20 M2: -10 M3: -2 M4: tbd

(deactivated member)
on 7/2/18 2:44 am

I have been sober for over two years and it has changed my life for the better.

on 7/2/18 9:59 am, edited 7/2/18 3:00 am

If at two months you've transferred your addiction, please seek help. You likely had the greatest motivation immediately post surgery and the alcohol is trumping that. It really might indicate something that needs help. Please don't wait too long. You might want to make a deal with yourself that if you touch alcohol again in 2018 you will make an appointment. If you are saying - what, not drink again this year - he's Fn nuts - Please call now.

HW 510 / SW 424/ GW 175 (stretch goal to get 10 under) / CW 160 (I'm near the charts ideal weight - wonder if I can stay here)

RNY November 2016

PS: L/R arm skin removal; belt panniculectomy - April, 2019

on 7/2/18 10:16 am
RNY on 03/26/18

Thank you ScaleSkater, no you're not f'n nuts, lol. I have a solid understanding of addiction. I'm not willing to call cross addiction just yet, but will if I find this to be a struggle. I am willing to say zero alcohol for the rest of the year - actually zero until at least my 1 year surgery anniversary. I am not taking this lightly.

5'10" 57 years old
HW: 280
SW: 264
CW: 232
GW: 165-175
M1: -20 M2: -10 M3: -2 M4: tbd

on 7/2/18 10:42 am

I'm the furthest person away from problems with alcohol (never a big issue with me), but I do love a special occasion Irish Whiskey. I have several $100+ bottles (The Sherry Casked Bushmill's is making me sad to think about now ;) ). I'm not getting rid of them, but I also am not planning on drinking them. Likely will use them over the years for guests at parties..... There are some things I'm just not going to touch - that's one. I have 6 others on my list of never again. They are my addiction potential triggers. I didn't come up with this list on my own (meaning my therapist and I worked together on this list). Our discussions lead me to realize that I don't need these 7 items in my life and that many people who struggle with regain - don't create or adhere to these items. I don't live in fear of regain - I just decided to tackle it head on with several rules. For example - One being I never eat off-plan alone, ever. It's my life rule now. For example, my wife and I decided to get some frozen yogurt at a vacation ice cream spot. She decided after we got there to not have anything. I told her - let's leave. I think it made her mad that I was that adherent to my rule. I did want the fresh peach yogurt, but I lived. I hope your plans work out, but I ask you - if you make the year - why start up again. They slowed you less than 2 months post-of. That means you took a drink with the "let's see what this does to me mentality." I haven't touched alcohol yet and I miss my Sherry Casked birthday drink (along with a nice cigar). Okay - I'm stopping now ;)

HW 510 / SW 424/ GW 175 (stretch goal to get 10 under) / CW 160 (I'm near the charts ideal weight - wonder if I can stay here)

RNY November 2016

PS: L/R arm skin removal; belt panniculectomy - April, 2019

on 7/2/18 10:55 am
RNY on 03/26/18

Oh, I'm not stopping with the intent to start again once I reach that one year mark, I agree, why start after that point? It's just a marker.

Maybe I am fooling myself, I hope not. I try to be honest in my self reflections. I take responsibility for my choices and actions. That's why I've decided to stop now, it's foolish and causes me harm. It doesn't help me in any fashion.

I can appreciate your life rules. And I appreciate you challenging my thought process - truly. I did not make this post without expecting some experienced voices giving me some feedback. I will continue to think about this and decide how to best move forward for me. It may be a non-issue. If it is an issue then I've got more work to do and I'll do it. :)

5'10" 57 years old
HW: 280
SW: 264
CW: 232
GW: 165-175
M1: -20 M2: -10 M3: -2 M4: tbd

on 7/2/18 10:52 am
RNY on 03/20/17

Abstinence is definitely the way to go especially as you're supposed to be in your serious losing phase. You absolutely can't waste that.

The thing I've noticed about alcohol post RNY is it hits you earlier and harder. It's a very slippery slope. Despite its legality alcohol is a pretty dangerous drug.

on 7/2/18 12:40 pm - MA
RNY on 08/01/14

I recently posted about my cross addiction to alcoholism on the general discussion forum. I am almost 4 yrs out and been battling addiction for the last 18 months or so and finally getting help. Its a progressive disease it will get worse! If you are finding yourself drinking this early out i would be VERY cautious about cross addiction. Could it be possible that your replacing your eating habits by now drinking? I would argue that the answer is almost definitely YES. Its great that you came here to make yourself accountable, you are obviously self aware which is a good thing. I would urge you to tell a someone you live with or a close friend or relative that this is something they should be on the look out for. Even agree to a contract that if they are concerned that you agree to treatment. You do not want to go down this road.

Lisa (38) my goal is 160 lbs.... my dream is happy and healthy

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