Does everyone feel freaked out before surgery??
I was a basket of nerves. I was terrified of dying on the table and leaving my kids. I was terrified of failing after the surgery and looking like a fool. I was terrified something would go wrong and I would die a slow death or lose my quality of life. I was just terrified! I sobbed at work saying goodbye to my coworkers the day before surgery. I BAWLED outside of the OR and continued to cry inside it until they finally knocked me out (thank goodness).
Then it was over and I was in recovery. My first words were, "I made it! I'm alive." Then my next were to ask the nurse if I was allowed to turn over and that I'd feel even better if I burped. :)
When I felt like not going through with the surgery in the weeks before, I reminded myself of all the reasons I was doing it. I would eventually develop obesity related illnesses and die, perhaps slowly and with a poor quality of life, and leave my kids. AND I wouldn't have had the chance to be a more active mom to them with energy and more confidence. I wanted to live life fully. I talked about the risks with my surgeon, and honestly, they were minimal compared to the path I was on.
It's OK to be scared. I don't know of anyone personally who wasn't. If you have prepared yourself and are ready though, there are some AMAZING changes on the near horizon. I am 6 months post surgery on the 18th, and have lost just over 100 lbs. I am feeling fantastic and would do it over in a heartbeat. You've got this

SURGERY DATE May 18 2016