Does everyone feel freaked out before surgery??
Me too! I was like, am I being flippant about this? Haha

RNY Sept 8, 2016
M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7
I guess everyone is different in how they react, maybe depending on whether they have had major surgery before. I have had several, so I knew what would happen. I was worried about my daughter, in case something did happen during surgery, but I think that is normal, it being major surgery. Focus on how different your life will be after.
On the other side now, I am so very happy that I made this choice. It is life changing.

Normal to be worried, would be worried if you weren't worried as you then wouldn't understand the gravity of what you are going through.
But don't let it overshadow the excitement of your beginning a new journey and the amazing and challenging times you are going to have.
I never thought ( neither did my surgeon) I would loose 100% of my excess body weight....worth every fear, doubt and tears I had!
Good luck to you
It's major surgery, of course you will feel freaked out. I was all over the place lol. I kept myself so busy I didn't have time to think about the surgery. But the day came, I remember lying on the operating table looking at the lights above me and wanting to call the whole thing off! Just nerves, best decision I made. I'm only two weeks out but feel great. You will to.
I made sure life insurance beneficiaries, will, living will and all paperwork were in order. I was in the middle of finalizing funeral arrangements when I got a call that there was a cancellation and my surgery was being moved up two months.
I worried and thought about changing my mind even in the room waiting for surgery.
After the surgery, I felt great and was amazed at how easy it was and it got better every day.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 11/11/16 8:06 pm
Of course it's scary! It was the first surgery of my life (10/24/16). The pre-surgery diet is enough to make you crazy.
I came through it as if I never had surgery (24 hours later). I have followed the program and it has worked perfectly. Stick with everything and you'll be great! Lost 30+ pounds! I used to taked pain pills for my joints and I'm already drug free! Remember the goals and the rewards!
All my best!
We will have the same surgery day - 12/22/14 for me.
Yep - I was a basket case. Re-did my will and beneficiaries on policies. Gave an attorney friend a packet with all important facts. But I was determined that this was the last best option for me. Have good friends and family visit you. Do not take anything valuable to the hosp - take old glasses etc in case they get lost. Take magazines.