What's on your Sunday menu, RNYers?
on 11/6/16 3:53 am
Wow, I slept late! I love this extra hour :) Plus I'm probably one of the few people *****ally prefer the extra hour in the morning instead of the evening, so I'm perfectly fine with this daylight savings thing! I'm even going to be a rock star and change the batteries in my smoke detectors today.
QOTD: Do you have any clocks left in your house that you have to manually change to the correct time for Daylight Savings? I still have three--a wall clock, microwave and a bedside alarm clock (that I haven't used in at least 5 years). Other than that, everything is internet connected and changes on its own. Have you read any articles about The Internet of Things? It's so interesting to think that my blender or toaster could be hacked!?! Crazy.
Today should be somewhat active, but I'm not confident about my menu. Here's what I'm guessing...
B: Pumpkin Spice coffee with skim, + cheese stick and HB Egg
S: Fage Yogurt
L: tbd
D: tbd
S: protein ice cream (I'm dying to experiment, but haven't chosen a recipe yet).
Good morning
I hate daylight savings. I get up everyday at 4:30, so today I was up at 3:30. Lol
I have my microwave, stove and nightstand. You will all love this...I live in a raised ranch so when you walk in I have a very high ceiling. We have a very big clock high up on the wall so that you can see it from the living room. my husband does not like to drag a ladder in to get it down to change the time, so half the year it's off by an hour. today it's accurate. How's that for lazy?
Food premier protein shake
L ?
D steak tis
Have a great day

RNY 9/14/16 - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125
Morning, menu peeps!
It was way too light, way too early.
QOTD: I have microwave and stove that needs changing. I think even my car changes automatically now.
I was reading recently about timers for outdoor lights that are programmed with your latitude. They not only adjust for daylight savings time, but turn the lights on at slightly different times every day, as the sun sets earlier or later as the seasons change.
6'3" tall, male.
Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.
M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.
Morning JB and gang. I had a good food day yesterday. I ended up eating chicken for lunch and TJ's turkey meatballs for dinner. I had a Light and Fit greek yogurt as a snack.
I have today off and my day is starting early. I slept until 7:30 (actually 6:30 because of the time change) and then had about half an hour of snuggle and play time with my little in the bed before he got up. He loves to play emergency, so he piles all of the pillows up on me and then rescues me. It is so sweet, and I actually had a pang of sadness that I'll be going back to a regular 9 to 5. Kal and I have bonded so much these last few months, and I don't want to lose that with him. I'm going to have to make a huge effort to stay connected to him once I'm back to my busy life. It's easy to get busy and lose that, and it will make me sad.
JBQOTD: There are 5 in the house. We have two alarm clocks, one for my hubby and one for me, then the stove and the microwave, and a wall clock in the family room that sometimes doesn't get changed for a few months because it's large and I have to climb up on the couch to get it off the wall. I always just remember that it's an hour off, lol.
15 months since surgery
B: 1 piece of meat pizza (without the end crust) cold from the box. coffee with coffeemate. I totally regret this breakfast, but the hubby and kids had pizza last night for dinner and it was calling my name this morning. I ate the piece and started sneezing before I even got to the crust. I've found that my vagus nerve is very sensitive lately and I sneeze often when I eat.
L: Dunno, we're going grocery shopping here in a few minutes.
D: hubby pulled out pork chops, so that
No totals yet, just kinda getting my **** together this morning. I'm going to start meal planning this week after shopping today so I can get back into the hang of it when I go back to work next week.
Have a great Sunday everyone!
Good morning Everybody! Lily and I have our three plus miles in already and today we could see and didn't need a flashlight. I have to manually set the time on my alarm clock,the microwave and the coffee pot. I have to turn my flip phone off and then back on so it resets itself. All are done now. We are leaving today after church in the RV to visit 4 national parks in Missouri and will be back Tuesday evening so I'll be missing in action til then. Post op 4 years 2 months and weight at 117.4 today. Here's the food B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter added L 1/2 c crab salad and 1 seafood stuffed mushroom (leftovers) D 31/2 oz of strip steak and 1/2 c some sort of veggie S mission one chocolate brownie protein bar . Have a great day everyone and make some smart choices !
Lucky you--national parks are so cool. Here is the one I live near: www.morethanjustparks.com/voyageurs I recommend scrolling down and watching the two-minute video to see how breathtaking the northern lights are in this region of the world. It looks and feels like Heaven is giving us a preview.
Hi menu gang,
I woke up before my alarm went off this morning. I enjoy the extra hour of sleep but dont like that it gets dark so early.
QOTD I have my clock in the living room and coffeemaker. I dont set my clock of the microwave. It does funny stuff when i do.
B 2 large coffees with sf pumpkin spice creamer, egg whites ham and cheese and string cheese
L tuna salad and orange pepper
D chicken sausage and peas
S Greek yogurt and turkey sausage snack sticks.
Have a good day
Good Morning Everyone!
QOTD: All our clocks have to be changed manually. I don't bother with the time on the stove or the microwave. I'll get my daughter to change my car clock for me. I don't like that it is going to get dark earlier in the evenings when it is getting dark earlier now days, anyway. I like light and Winter's darkness kind of bums me out sometimes. Oh well, what can you do? Count the days until Spring.
My menu today:
B: 2 eggs sunny side up, 3 strips of bacon
L: Lettuce, spinach, chicken, bacon, cheese, cranberries & nuts, low cal dressing
D: Chili
S: Light n Fit Greek yogurt
S: Watermelon
Exercise: Walking the dogs around the subdivision.
Have a WONDERFUL day everyone!
~ Karen

Morning all! Yes I was wide awake hanging in bed long before the alarm went off. I like this new alarm feature is you upgraded to the ios10 on an iphone. you set it for how long you want to sleep, and it gives you a beep reminder at night to start getting to bed. (Which of course I ignore)...but the part I like is the sound in the morning kind of gradually gets louder so you aren't jolted out of sleep....
QOTD: Microwave, Oven, kitchen wall clock, and a bedside clock- that is really there for decoration because the batteries died and I never replaced them...LOL
Please report back on Protein ice cream... I love the idea of it, but want a good recipe- ready to dust off the ice cream machine
When I met with Super Shopper this week, she turned me onto a protein pancake recipe- which she has posted here. I downsized it because I didn't want leftovers.... made it with chocolate protein powder and added a little Torani S'mores syrup to the mix.... I am officially addicted. Usually carb substitute things make me feel icky/nauseous........but this is good. too good. It has great stats....Just say no.
B:coffee latte, trail mix (? I know impulse --already threw it in my hole...tossed the little bit left...homemade but I need to lay off it for awhile) eggs, cheese
L: at church. Pot Luck and I'm not feeling lucky :( damn the siren song of NY Bagels....
D: Steak, spinach
Snacks: babybel cheese, chocolate chai latte, Syntrax fuzzy navel and water
EX: really stuck on what I can do between leg vein surgery and upper pain from accident.... so walking it is....and maybe a little stretching
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets