I guess I'm not a very nice person
on 11/4/16 1:15 pm
I joined a WLS forum on Facebook and TBH the ignorance in abundance is bringing out the worst in me. I seriously lost it the other day. Some lady posts about why people did RNY and then preceded to argue and dispute everyone who said anything to her. She kept replying that there just wasn't enough Of course me being the sarcastic arsehole I am replied back that I don't understand why people post and then argue with everything everyone else said. These guys on Facebook actually talk about doing the lemon cleanse thing if they gained weight during their pre-op phase so they can lose weight before they see their physician....nothing about sticking to the plan and learning the right way to eat and what's best for their future. Maybe with the weight loss I will lose my need to reply on threads like that....or maybe not, sigh.
LOl. I also joined the Facebook RNY group and after a few days of trying o be helpful I backed out. That is a group of people whose ideals I do not want to mirror. I guess enough said. I need the hard line, truthful approach I feel like I get here...

If nothing else, those kinds of groups make me feel like I'm a super genius.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
Thank you for saying this.
I want to post the same thing when I read some of the posts on other FB groups, especially when someone says something outrageous and the members agree or congratulate them.
Thank God for the sanity of OH!

High W: 265 Surgery W: 208 Current W: 160 Goal W: 135
VSG Surgery May 30, 2017
Yes! The group I'm in talks about regain at 5 months post-op and then posts how they're able to eat cheesecake. How would you know you can have cheesecake at 5 months out? A bunch of them did the 5 day pouch reset which from what I've read is a big gimmick. I'm pre-op so I don't say anything. I've posted links to info here but that's all I do. ? I am so glad I found you guys pre-op!!

RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.
77 lbs lost and counting!
Losing the regain! I got this!