Rebounding and Feeling Sad
My lowest was 139. I am currently at 180. I was put on a medication for migraines in June which caused me to gain 20lbs. On the plus side the medication helps, but weight-wise I feel like such a failure. Also on the plus side my labs are normal for the first time since surgery.
My partner is loving the weight gain. I can tell he's more attracted to me when I'm bigger. I feel so icky, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around how he could be attracted to me.
I know I am too hard on myself. I feel like I can do so much, but I can't do this one little thing - keep the weight off. I am trying to not give in to the hopelessness. I've asked my doctor to give me a referral for Profile. While it would be nice to lose the weight, my biggest fear is gaining more weight. There are times I feel it's inevitable.
Sorry you are dealing with that...
but- you know what works for weight loss? right?
proteins and fat with some non starchy veggies.. once in a while - some low sugar fruits (think berries )
medication can affect our metabolism or appetite. The weight gain - unless it is just a water gain - it is the extra food we eat...
Proper eating - diet - will help you lose weight and maintain..
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Can I ask what med it is? I get severe migraines too and I have been on multiple meds for them and some definitely led to weight gain. Many times there are alternate meds that you can try that don't have quite as bad side effects.
But if that's not an option I would think a strict protein forward diet is the only option to drop the weight.

HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131
TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds
Sronyx. It's a birth control medication. My migraines are tied to my cycle. I am going through pre-menopause, which I believe was brought on in part from the RNY. Before starting this medication my cycles were all over the place and I was spotting about once a week. Now I know when my migraines will be. They've gone down to about 3-4 a month instead of all the time.
I talked to my doctor about an alternative and he said that all birth control has the potential for weight gain.
We all understand and are here to help Get back to the basics, one at a time and before you know it the weight will come off again. Here is a list that helped me
Remember when we were preparing for surgery? How many meetings, classes and such did we attend? We were told the more prepared we were the better our chances were for success. And they were right. Go through the house, car and work place and get rid of trigger foods. Stock up on foods that will keep you on track. I removed every bad carb/sugar temptation and replaced it with lots of protein, veggies, grains and fruits.
Get back to journaling. This will help you identify when you feel like eating, stress factors and any triggers in your life. Once you identify these factors, this will help you put tools in place to keep you from eating. It became clear I was not taking time for me anymore. I worked my day job and then spent the rest of my time caring for my husband. It was easy to reach for fast, prepackaged food. Since I purged my home I have to eat clean as there are no other options LOL
Use a tool to track you're eating and exercise like Getting Started with Health Tracker. Once I started to track ever bite and drink it became clear why I had gained.
Make a list of goals for yourself. Make them realistic and small. Some of mine were move more, purge all junk from my home, eat more protein.
In general, a long term post-weight loss surgery eating plan includes foods that are high in protein, and low in fat?, calories, and sugar. Important, vitamins and minerals are provided as supplements. (if you had a different surgery adjust this to your food plan).
Water is our Best Friend. I have to say I never went back to pop or any bad drinks, however I was drinking tea like crazy. What is wrong with drinking tea? I was either using sugar or 3 equals and 3 sweet n lows per 32 ounce glass. So I was either pushing to be diabetic or get cancer. I found once I started carrying a bottle of water around 24/7 (yes had one at my bedside) I lost the cravings for the sugar and I KNOW those artificial sweeteners are not good for me. Look I am old and if you add up all the artificial sweeteners I have consumed I am sure I am at the rat in the lab getting cancer threshold.
I can't say enough about how key this was for me. The reason I kept my weight off for almost 10 years was no matter what, I kept moving. If I could not go to the gym I would walk. I loved Zumba, bootcamp workouts, lifting weights. When I stopped, the weight started coming back. So for me I am starting slow to avoid injury by walking and using some of the workouts on my Demand TV. Find something you love to do and it won't feel like a pain in the *** to do daily.
If it's an option "run" don't walk to a support group.
Keep me posted on how you are doing
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
What types of food are you eating? Are you measuring and tracking your food? Can you give us a typical day of eating for you? Maybe we can give you tips or suggestions on things you can change.
Forgive yourself and figure out steps you can take to make changes to your diet and lose the weight. Make a plan.
Laura in Texas
53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)
RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis
brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco
"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."