Symptom Checkers
Just checking to see if you have had similar experience with this.
Night Sweats every night for last month so bad I thought I had an accident and needed to change myself and the bedding.
For the last week I have been waking up with MAJOR foot and leg cramps. I get out of bed and run around the house. Get back in bed and go back to sleep and it wakes me up again and go thru the same ritual about 4 times a night. I am getting about 0 sleep now. It only does it when I go to sleep.
Yesterday when I got out of bed I looked at my left wrist and arm because it was hurting. I felt and saw my vein pop out. I though maybe somehow I popped a blood vessel. All My veins have been getting prominent through my skin this past month. I do have bad ones on my foot leg and high thigh on the right leg.
It got worse during the day and so I called the primary Dr. They told me I could come in and be checked. It was a fiasco. I was there 5 hours. They never took my temperature or checked my blood pressure. To top it off someone made up a blood pressure reading and just wrote a fake 1 down. Blood glucose - good though. :) They never could find the blood work that i had taken 1 month ago. The surgeon had his vitamins done which I had faxed to primary. All my vitamins are in range. Protein still a little low. Vitamin B high.
Primary thinks a bug bit me. There is no mark from a bug bite. Just bruising forming under the skin around the veins in my hand and arm where the problem started.Man! It hurt so bad. I have iced it all day at work and not better at all . Yesterday it felt like someone was poking me with a needle. I think this is all circulatory not a bug bite. What do you think??? iI DO NOT want to go back to the primary. I have to change insurance companies in January so I will change my primary then.
I drink 120+ oz of liquids a day. I started taking protonix about 1 month ago. I take bariactive vitamins consistently.
Why didn't you speak out more when you saw things weren't going at they should at the doctor? We have to be our own advocates for proper care. No Temp/blood pressure, but they took blood sugar? With my insurance I can change primaries every month if I wanted-- if I called today a new one would be in effect by 11/1. January seems like a long way off to wait concerned. What about urgent care?
I've been have night sweats randomly-- I'm equating it to perimenopause- I'm knocking on 40's door. I also have dealt with nightly leg cramps-- it's gotten less frequent but it's a grin and bare it thing in my book.
Then the veins-- not sure how much you've lost.. but I've lost a lot and see all sort of veins that's were never visible before. I also lift weights-- so my veins/muscles are very pronounced.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI
I know! I did explain to the dr that I did not have my BP taken when she commented on how great my blood pressure was. She said oh- here it is right here 20/whatever. I said they must of just wrote something in then because no one took it. Also they did not want to deal with finding my labs either. I was there 5 hours and should of just gone over to the hospital. I am going to have to anyways, It looks like. I think I have a blood clot in my arm. The veins are all bulging out and the pain is not my friend.
I had a full hysterectomy at 28. The ovaries everything is gone and now I am no longer on any kind of hormones. They said I did not need them anymore.
I think it is my blood sugar tanking at night after reading the other posts. I am up to 70-90 in the morning. Usually 80-90. I might be losing the fluid and electrolytes at night in the sweat fest. I am trying soap in my socks and bed tonight. Something I read online.
The cramps make me think low magnesium and potassium... ie. electrolytes. When you drink a lot of fluids sometimes it can dilute these in our systems. Sometimes as WLS patients we feel better when our numbers are in the high normal range, even if they test normal. When my potassium was low I had foot cramps...
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
A few points- night sweats - these can be hormonal. Or low blood sugar. I had those app 12+ months post op - low carbs - low calories cause my BS to drastically drop in a middle of the night...that caused hypoglycemia. I would get hot and perspire to a point that my hair would be wet... That also activates cortisol so by the time I would check my BS - it would be already up... Or just slightly low.
The sweating during hypoglycemia causes lots of water and mineral loss - so then I would get muscle cramps so bad that it felt as someone was twisting my legs and fingers...
A few things that helped me was nut butters just before bed. 1-2 TBS eaten just before bed. I also kept nut butter by the bed.
Second - I increased my minerals intake - sodium+ magnesium and potassium. I would mix 1 or even 2 packages of emergen-C brand mineral mix in a glass of water (with a touch of stevia) and drank that before bed.
Both - the nut butter and the extra minerals really helped me.
You dont eat a lot and most likely you are defclient in sodium and minerals... That can cause severe muscle spasms especially when combined with mid of the nigh****er and mineral loss during hypoglycemic attack.
Good luck.
(edited to fix some typos - stupid tablet)
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I have actually been following some of your posts about the hypoglycemic attacks and it has helped me a lot. I think i have some of it figured out.
I was a type 2 diabetic and now am off all meds. My glucose always went up after and during workouts and I have always worked hard. Also i was highest in the mornings instead of low.
Now they are normal range every morning until i run. I always ran on an empty stomach which caused my liver to make glucose because there wasn't any there it wanted to burn. and that with the stress to my body would pop me high.
This last 2 weeks I added i cup of yogurt in the mornings and the mix of the protein and carbs and sugars seems to make a huge difference. I tried adding one right before I went to bed and it seemed to help with the sweating. Not all gone but a difference. I also am trying to make sure I have green beans - even if just a few with the meat. When I was eating just plain protein it was starting to spike my blood sugar which does not usually happen. I checked and researched online. These things that were happening seemed to happen to a small % of people and how their bodies reacted differently than the norm. I wish i knew this a long time ago so i could of worked with it a little more effectively. Thank yu so much for your posts!