PSA: Patch MD Tested by Unjury
Some time ago I posted that Patch MD vitamin patches were fraudulent. At a high level, the weight of the patch was many times less than the weight of the ingredients it claimed to contain, which is obviously impossible. There was a lot of pushback from the community that I really don't want to rehash; however, I want to point your attention to testing by Unjury. In addition to the point above they sent the product for laboratory testing which found, "...that for 7 or the 9 vitamins tested, the levels of the vitamins present - in the testing results - were below the levels the lab could even detect."
Some time ago I posted that Patch MD vitamin patches were fraudulent. At a high level, the weight of the patch was many times less than the weight of the ingredients it claimed to contain, which is obviously impossible. There was a lot of pushback from the community that I really don't want to rehash; however, I want to point your attention to testing by Unjury. In addition to the point above they sent the product for laboratory testing which found, "...that for 7 or the 9 vitamins tested, the levels of the vitamins present - in the testing results - were below the levels the lab could even detect."
they tested ONE patch. This would not even be considered a valid " test".
whst I think is they are worried the patch is gonibg to cut into their profit margins.
i guess you think hormone patches, pain patches and anti nausea patches are fraudulent ttoo.
"they tested ONE patch. This would not even be considered a valid " test"."
-Hi Holly Kim,
In quality control, the intra-batch variability and inter-batch variability need to tested. If this patch contained a medicine or hormone (rather than a food/vitamin), the batch would have to be pulled because of that ONE patch. There could be something wrong with process that makes the product (for example inadequate mixing).
Unfortunately, with vitamins and food, FDA doesn't have the teeth that it has with medicines. They have "recommendations" and that is pretty much it. Indeed, USDA (which handles meat, childhood nutrition (i.e. school lunches), and food LABELING) has more teeth than FDA when it comes to food.
Unfortunately, we WLS patients HAVE to treat our vitamins like MEDICINE due to our malabsorption. We can easily get vitamin deficiencies. This patch NOT giving you the expected dose is noteworthy because there is no guarantee that the patch with the "extra" vitamins in it is in YOUR box. Further, if it were, would you be able to absorb this excess vitamin transdermally? Or would extra permeation enhancers be needed. What I am saying is: even if the "excess patch" is present in your box you may not be able to absorb all of the missed dose...
Thank you for making us aware CHULBERT! Quality of our vitamins & vitamin suppliers is something we ALL should be aware of.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
"they tested ONE patch. This would not even be considered a valid " test"."
-Hi Holly Kim,
In quality control, the intra-batch variability and inter-batch variability need to tested. If this patch contained a medicine or hormone (rather than a food/vitamin), the batch would have to be pulled because of that ONE patch. There could be something wrong with process that makes the product (for example inadequate mixing).
Unfortunately, with vitamins and food, FDA doesn't have the teeth that it has with medicines. They have "recommendations" and that is pretty much it. Indeed, USDA (which handles meat, childhood nutrition (i.e. school lunches), and food LABELING) has more teeth than FDA when it comes to food.
Unfortunately, we WLS patients HAVE to treat our vitamins like MEDICINE due to our malabsorption. We can easily get vitamin deficiencies. This patch NOT giving you the expected dose is noteworthy because there is no guarantee that the patch with the "extra" vitamins in it is in YOUR box. Further, if it were, would you be able to absorb this excess vitamin transdermally? Or would extra permeation enhancers be needed. What I am saying is: even if the "excess patch" is present in your box you may not be able to absorb all of the missed dose...
Thank you for making us aware CHULBERT! Quality of our vitamins & vitamin suppliers is something we ALL should be aware of.
isnt it interesting that the "one" patch that Unjury chose to have tested was inadequate? Wonder how many patches had to be tested to find the one that was not "extra"?
if Unjury wanted to give a fair and unbiased report they would have surely found one patch that was as is supposed to be, given your hypothesis.
and yes, my understanding is that anything delivered via patch has the ability to be absorbed through the skin in much higher amounts than those that are injested.
When I asked about the patch at my Bariatric clinic, they did not recommend using it as there isn't enough data to support its efficacy at this point. So, being a cautious newbie, I don't use them.
However, this article is bordering on rediculous.
Unjury owns its own line of supplements, and is a direct competitor of patch md.
The sample is cartoonishly small.
For some reason, they spend half the article talking about how they calibrate their scale and how old the patch was.
I think this is an embarrassing blog post on unjury's part. And does a disservice to the people on this forum looking for reliable information.