Post-Op Sleep Issues
Hello to my new family,
I hope you don't mind my frequent posts. I'm still very new and have so many questions and would like your weigh-in on your experiences.
I'm still 5 weeks out so I'm dealing with some sleep issues that probably stem from the surgery, hospital stay, and anesthesia. Does everyone go through this fresh out of surgery? Does this resolve itself? Since i've been able to sleep on my side and tummy, I get about 4-5 hours sleep straight, and then wake up once or twice between 1-5 and I might go back to bed, I might not. But it really sucks because I need this sleep.
I keep thinking this is just general surgery stuff, especially since in the hospital you're woken up 50 times to take meds and vitals. I went through a similar thing in 2014 after my C-section, but I was up to feed my son and then I'd go right back to sleep without issue, and I know that resolved itself eventually.
I also read somewhere that Vitamin B supplements need to be taken earlier in the day or else it disrupts your sleeping. I take my B12 in the morning, but Biotin at dinner. Should I move biotin to the morning as well?
I'm also going through post-op depression/anxiety, so many times, if its 3am or later, my mind races with stupid concerns when I go back to bed and then I can't find sleep again. I'm looking into getting an appt with a counselor ASAP to resolve my head issues.
I need my sleep, though. I miss sleeping like a rock (or waking up quickly at night to only fall right back asleep again).
Survey: This should get better with time, correct? And if it did, how long did it take for you?

RNY: 8/30/2016, Consult Wt: 263 lbs, Surgery Wt: 243 lbs, Current Wt: (3/8/17) 166 lbs, Goal Wt: 150 lbs
M1: -26 lbs, M2: -10 lbs, M3: -9 lbs, M4: -16 Lbs, M5: -12 lbs, M6: -4 lbs,
I remember sleeping very lightly when I was still sore from the surgery. But once I was able to get back to work (I took 3 weeks off), my old sleep patterns returned. Everything was normal again for about a year.
However, it's only since I went below my original goal weight that I'm having some insomnia. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that I have so much more energy? I wake up around 3am and can't get back to sleep, then have to get up at 6 for work. So I find myself going to bed earlier & earlier due to lack of sleep the previous night... it's seems to be a cycle that I can only break by getting a nap in on the weekends.
I've tried Melatonin. (sp?)... Many say that helps, but it didn't do anything for me. When it's really bad I take a Xanax, but I don't like to have to do that. But I HATE laying in bed awake when I know I have to get up for work in a couple hours. It just adds to the stress.
Hope you find some relief. And yes... I would take the Biotin in the mornings, too.
My first 2-3 weeks were torture, (only 1-2 hours naps twice a night) especially since i'm not a back sleeper at all. My sleep is actually better now but it could definitely use some improvement!
I hope i find relief, and that you will too!
Strange that after surpassing goal you all the sudden have insomnia? I guess each of us have a different way of responding to things.
I've moved my biotin to the mornings, thanks for that!

RNY: 8/30/2016, Consult Wt: 263 lbs, Surgery Wt: 243 lbs, Current Wt: (3/8/17) 166 lbs, Goal Wt: 150 lbs
M1: -26 lbs, M2: -10 lbs, M3: -9 lbs, M4: -16 Lbs, M5: -12 lbs, M6: -4 lbs,
I'm finishing my fifth week post-surgery and while I don't have the anxiety, what happens is I sleep from 10:30pm-3am and then wake up for half an hour or so, before I can sleep again until 6:30am. At that point my body does not want to let me sleep anymore. I also can't really nap anymore, my body just isn't interested. I've started using melatonin at night to help fall and stay asleep and that got me from waking up 2-3 times to just waking up the once.
It's one of the many reasons I have no plans to try to sneak caffiene back into my diet.
thanks, I'm glad i'm not the only one.

RNY: 8/30/2016, Consult Wt: 263 lbs, Surgery Wt: 243 lbs, Current Wt: (3/8/17) 166 lbs, Goal Wt: 150 lbs
M1: -26 lbs, M2: -10 lbs, M3: -9 lbs, M4: -16 Lbs, M5: -12 lbs, M6: -4 lbs,