I'm home and finally feel human!
i had roux en y surgery 9/28/16 at Highland Hospital in Rochester, NY. I was quite anxious in pre anesthesia, but the nurses and my anesthesiologist were fantastic. Surgery went well without complications according to my surgeon, and my first 24 hours went well. I did develop a large bowel ileus that has improved on its own. I'm at the point where I'm tolerating my full amount of fluids, and I'm eating my 1/4 c protein "meals" (cream of ____ soup, Greek yogurt type food) 3 x a day, and today I also managed to get 2 of my 3 required protein shakes in (I'm finding that hard to do)
I did step on the scale post op and I gained 25 lbs!
wednesday is my first follow up appointment where I hope to be moved to the puréed foods stage that for me lasts 4 weeks. I am looking forward to trying the famous ricotta bake!
I still need a longish nap mid afternoon or I fall asleep in my soup :)
I still need to take my narcotic pain meds- usually 3 tablets a day, but it keeps me mostly pain free to be active enough.
so I made it through, I'm drinking and eating as I should be, taking my vitamins and doing my walking In the house :)
I see that all the September buddies have made it thru! Yahoo!!

RNY 9/28/16 at Highland Hospital with Dr O'Malley
Congratulations and welcome home! I purposely put my scale away after surgery because I knew about the potential for weight gain, but my PCP wanted me weighted at my one-week post op. I had gained 4 pounds... but it did come off by the next week. My dietitian said my weight loss was very slow post-op, but my surgeon said it can take 6-9 weeks to take off the excess IV fluids. I am doing fine now, losing about a pound a day ;) and I am looking for scales to get on!
Word of caution: don't overcook the ricotta bake. My last one came out dry and I had to add marinara sauce. Also try refried beans. yum. I am 3-1/2 weeks out and STILL take a pain pill at bedtime because I can't get to sleep any other way. And I love my naps whenever I can get them!
Enjoy the wonderful ride. What a blessing this surgery is!