What's on Your Saturday Menu, RNYers?
on 10/1/16 4:59 am, edited 10/1/16 5:15 am
Hello weekend! I missed you...
Guess what crazy adventure Grim and I are on this weekend? Nothing! Ah I am so happy. We have been "on the go" for months straight, and although it has been amazingly fun, I am exhausted. I am so happy for a full day of resting, napping, and tv watching. It's even raining, so I have more of an excuse to stay in.
We are going to a midnight movie, though. Serenity--the sequel to Firefly. Are you guys into this show? Grim got me into it, and we are going to meet up with a friend of mine who is literally obsessed with it. I'll be shocked if she isn't dressed like a character. Should be a fun night! There will be popcorn, but since it's a midnight movie, that'll be reflected on Sunday's menu ;)
QOTD: What was the moment that you decided "NO MORE" and made your first appointment for weight loss surgery? I had my band placed 7 years ago, and I honestly can't remember back that far to an inspiration moment. But I remember clearly the point when I decided I needed to make a call for revision. I was only a few months into a new job and we had a meeting off site for the day. Right before I left the house for the day I grabbed a cracker to eat. One cracker. I proceeded to throw up for the entire one hour ride there (while I was driving), then for the next three hours while we were there, I must have run to the bathroom to spew acid at least 10 more times. It was painful, miserable and embarrassing. I made my first appointment with the surgeon not long after that, and started the slow conversation about revision. I am so happy I did! My life is 1000% better than it was at that low point.
B: Proten Coffee & Babybel Cheese
S: Greek Yogurt
L: Sausage
S: Cello Parmesan Whisps
D: Steak
Happy Saturday and Happy first day of October Everyone!
QOTD: I have fatty liver disease and my liver doctor said to me, "If you don't lose weight you will be in liver failure in 5 - 10 years." My mom had just died which hit me hard. I was worried about my daughter since she has only me as family. And my dad had died before that of fatty liver disease so that was the point when I decided to have WLS. I'm happy to say my liver enzymes are NORMAL now!
My menu for today:
Breakfast: Crepe with fresh peach, cream cheese, cool whip
Lunch: Other half of Panera Green Goddess Cobb salad
Dinner: 1/2 bowl Panera turkey chili
Snack: Oiko's triple zero greek yogurt
Snack: Moon cheese
Snack: 2 string cheese sticks
Snack: sugar-free pudding w/ cool whip
Exercise: Walking the dogs around the subdivision.
Have a great day everyone!
~ Karen

It's raining here in Illinois and chilly too but Lily and I grabbed our big golf umbrella and did our 3 plus miles anyway. No excuses Here! I decided to have my WLS when I had to go on met forming for my diabetes. I lost both my mom and dad to complications from diabetes at young ages. I knew I was on the same path. I really didn't realize how miserable and tired I felt until after surgery when I had more energy than I knew what to do with. My weight isolated me and made me miserable most of my life. I don't know why I waited so long but I think I had to be in the right place mentally to make lasting lifestyle changes. Post op 4 years 1month and weight at 117.2 today. Here's the food plan B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter added L 1 c of assorted healthy salads at local church salad luncheon. I do fine at buffets if I take my time and talk so I know when I'm full so that's the plan. D 31/2 oz ground beef with salsa and cheese 1/2 c beets S mission one chocolate chip cookie protein bar . Have a great day everyone and make some amazing choices!
on 10/1/16 6:20 am, edited 10/1/16 12:33 am
Sorry you lost your parents so young :( I agree--so important to have the surgery when you are you are in the right "mental place". I'm quite sure that when I was younger I would have been looking for the quick fix and not have really put in the work to make long term changes.
Good morning menu gang!!! Hope everyone is feeling better that's been sick.
QOTD- My moment was when I thought I had a heart attack. We were laying in bed one night and my chest was hurting so bad I told my husband we needed to go to the ER. Heart disease runs in my family so I was convinced I was dying(yes I'm dramatic). That's when we found out I had the hyenial hernia and I knew I had to do something. I would give out of breath walking to the car from the house to take my kids to school. I had hit an all time low. That was my moment and I called the surgeons office the next morning. My only regret is not doing it sooner.
Time since surgery almost 7 months
B- 8 oz Unsweetened Cashew Milk with Syntrax Protwin Powder
L- 2 oz Some kind of good steak
D- 2 oz of whatever steak I had for Lunch lol
S- 15 Peanuts
I hope everyone has a fantabulous day!!

Surgery date March 4, 2016
S.W 309.8
C.W. 143.2
"Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good!"
Morning everyone! It's a nice, rainy, quiet day here, kicking off Serenity Weekend.
QOTD: I didn't have a single moment where I decided on surgery. Like many, I had gone to a seminar a few years before surgery, looked into it, and decided I could "do it alone." Of course, I was wrong.
I watched my dad failing from Type 2 diabetes, refusing to do what he needed to get better. As my own health issues started adding up, I decided it was time for something more drastic. So far, it's been the perfect option for me.
6'3" tall, male.
Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.
M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.
Hi menu gang,
QOTD I was walking with a cane and could hardly walk anywhere. I had diabetes, sleep apena, high blood pressure. I was tired all the time but I had turned 50 and my mom died when she was 57 and I didnt want to die young.
B egg white and one whole egg ham and cheese omelet and string cheese
L chicken salad and vegetable chili
D pork loin and sliced carrots.
S greek yogurt, turkey snack sticks, and apple
Have a good day
Good morning guys. I'm in California! I'm also exhausted. I was up for nearly 23 hours yesterday, and because my stupid body is set on am internal clock, i was up at 4am, which is about right, since our was 7 back home. Anyway, i got to meet some awesome people, Audrey, Kate and T are here. As is Mona Lisa Smile. I feel bad because i crashed early last night, but i just couldn't hang, I'm old.
Food yesterday was pretty reasonable for travel, and I'm sitting in Denny's right now, since i walked here this morning. The conference howl is about 2 miles from here, so once i finish this and pack up, I'm going to walk down for another day of fun and support.
I'll check back in later, and we have some awesome pictures to post, so keep your eyes out!