Roux-en-Y advice
Congrats!!! . . . So did I . . . And probably like you, I Thank God, a good surgeon, lots of hard work, determination and support.
But not all WLSers do or are able. They are still our brothers and sisters fighting a deadly disease.
Post surgery...
In the hospital...
walk, walk, walk
sip, sip, sip
At home...
sip, sip, sip
walk, walk, walk
The pains you feel in your shoulders are gas pains, and walking will help rid yourself of that gas.
Water is your best friend. If you hate the protein shake you have now, try another one, and keep on sipping!
Did I mention you need to sip, sip, sip?
Miralax may also become a very close friend. Start it sooner than later
When you are OK'd to go to pureed/soft solids... GO SLOW. Just because your doctor said you can, doesn't mean you'll be able to.
No, you will NOT feel full for a while. YES, your pouch is OK. MEASURE, and don't eat more, no matter how you feel
Just keep sipping...
Try really hard to start off on the right foot, and use protein forward rules from the beginning. It's just easier than trying to rid yourself of those pesky carb monsters later on
Some great pureed foods include:
Cottage Cheese
eggfaces ricotta bake (google it, trust me, it's divine)
smashed beans of all flavors
Eggs are a hit or miss thing... don't get too upset if you can't eat them for a while.
Give yourself a couple of months to get used to this new life.
You will love it in the end (so I've been told, I'm only 4 months out, but it's great at this point too!)
Hang in there! You're about to enter the best part of your life!

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)
RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs
I'll throw out some general advise in no special order. "In the hospital" there is a lot of hurry up and wait...You have to be flexible there. You're not going anywhere...So if the surgery before you takes extra time you may be waiting an extra hour or so. Then they may hurry you into the room. So things can go real slow...Then go real fast...Be flexible. You probably won't get good sleep in the hospital. They wake you up at all hours to take vital...Blood pressure, draw blood for lab test. Also try not to be put near the nurses station...They talk all night long! You'll need to use pillows in different ways the first few weeks to get comfortable to sleep. You may not get good sleep till you get home. The pain (post op) near your belly button is where they put the camera...That is why it hurts there.
At home...You probably won't be able to get in all your water and protein. Your doctor knows this...Just try and do your best and you should be OK. Ditto on the sip, walk, sleep, repeat. It helps your body to heal. Know what a stricture is. About 5% of RNY patients get them. You could be that unlucky one in twenty. Just be aware...Look it up. They are very treatable...An out patient procedure. When in doubt...Call your doctor. Better safe than sorry. Many people don't want to bother the surgeon...But if you need to call about something...Call! Men lose the weight fast than women in general...We have a larger muscle structure so the weight comes off faster.
If you try one food and it doesn't sit well (example lean beef)...Don't eat it for several months. Then try it again (at home) and see if the pouch is OK with it. When you try new foods...Chew them well and do it at home. YOUR POUCH RULES!! YOU DON'T!! When you try something new (basically say) OK pouch...Here is something new. Tell me what you think of it. So you try the new food...Chewed well (small amount). The you wait 5-10 minutes...See if the pouch likes it. It will let you know. If it feels strange down in your pouch do not proceed!! DO NOT PASS GO...DO NOT COLLECT $200. Your pouch may reject the food. If you throw it up, it is almost like a baby spit up. You wait awhile and be patient before you proceed to drinking water, shake, or even another food.
If you eat too fast your pouch will let you know...Either spit up or you'll get the foamies. Know what the foamies are. You may stand in front of a sink or use a cup and spit and spit a white foam while your pouch tries to settle down. If you have eaten too fast or too much your nose may run or you get the hiccups. STOP EATING. Do not eat or drink anything for about 20 minutes. That is the way for your pouch to let you know it "truly can not eat another bite"...Listen to it!!
Know the difference between simple carbs and complex carbs. When you go to more complex cabs try and stay with them as long as you can...Till you've hit your goal weigh (assuming you are doing this for your health). Simple carbs are addicting and stop your weigh loss in it's tracks. I hit my goal and was starting to feel pretty good about myself...So I tried sugar...Say "I didn't dump". So I go back to sugar, and Pepsi and cake, and candy, and before you know it...I've regained 30 pounds!! Be wise and know your enemy. Those at the local support group who are years out and are at or near normal weight have 2 things in common. They have found some form of exercise that works for them...And they mostly stay away from many simple carbs.
Buy or borrow used clothing from friends, neighbors, and family. You will go through sizes of clothing real fast. One way to break a stall is to go out and buy about $300. worth of new clothing...Then your weight will drop quickly and you'll be out of those sizes within weeks. I could go on and on...These are a few ideas that may help. Brian
I absolutely hate when I see things like that :
"At home...You probably won't be able to get in all your water and protein. Your doctor knows this...Just try and do your best and you should be OK. "
Why? Because that makes it ok not to get enough water...and people end up in ER or hospital with IV for dehydration and potassium... Not fun..not fun at all...and unless you have no ER copy - can be very expensive.
Not getting enough proteins in first few days - even weeks..- may be ok.. At least for most people. Not getting enough water for 2-3 days - would leave you dehydrated, with possible headache, constipation, and so many issues. Post op - drink your water -try different temperatures., flavors, and methods to get tha****er in you...
Nausea? Too bad ..drink it...don't like the taste? Change it...drink it...
Dehydration may cause low BP - and passing out... Really not recommend that...
The more dehydrated a person is - the more nausea can follow...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I absolutely positive hate when I see advice like that :
At home...You probably won't be able to get in all your water and protein. Your doctor knows this...Just try and do your best and you should be OK.
Yea sure. Proteins are not critical.. Water? Are you kidding me? Telling anyone is ok not to drink enough... Sure ...some docs don't mind...more money for them for visits and ER IV...
My doc expected me to get the water... Proteins - they hoped we get in..water - that was not optional..
Plus once a person is dehydrated and still MO - it is extremely difficult to find a good vein for IV.. Not drinking just for 12 hours before a procedure I had, gave my nurses a hard time to "stick me"..
Dehydration can cause low potassium - low potassium can cause heart problems and death...
I never got potassium by IV but I heard it is very painful...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
on 9/29/16 10:18 am
Yes! Doctors don't usually give advice just to hear themselves talk-- they say things like "get your water in" because it's IMPORTANT.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!