Sleep study results

on 9/27/16 9:38 am

So my results from my sleep study shows that I have mild obstructive apnea. During REM sleep, I quit breathing 37 times in an hour. Yikes! Next step is to do another study but with the CPAP this time and that's set for Oct. 18th. I honestly can't wait! I just want to be able to sleep longer than an hour and a half each time without waking up. I miss my sleep.

Insert Fitness
on 9/27/16 9:54 am

That's great. My husband uses a cpap. And it's been life changing for him. It took about a month to get used to it,  but now,  he even uses if he wants to nap, we bring it Camping, everywhere!



CJ On Orcas
on 9/27/16 9:58 am
RNY on 09/09/16

I had a sleep study in March and it turned out I was having 96.5 events per hour.  Yikes.  Had a follow-up with an APAP (fluctuates as needed to keep airway open) and it has changed my life as far as sleep goes.  I love my machine.  They will have to tear it out of my cold, dead hands.  
