Need imput to make this decision please

on 9/9/16 5:02 pm

Thanks, I have purchased the jumbo size of Miralx and have been taking it for 3 days now.  I will continue to do this going forward.  Thank you for your response.

RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125

on 9/9/16 6:12 pm
VSG on 07/28/16

I take 400 mg of magnesium at bedtime and go like clockwork every morning when I get up. You might try that. 

on 9/10/16 12:31 am

I did not have this surgery for pretty clothes. I did it to save my life and it did. You may have a more difficult post operative period because you have some pre existing conditions. You need to plan with your doctor BEFORE surgery about the best constipation prevention. You also will be on narcotics after surgery and they can increase constipation as well.

I could lose weight too if I just drank shakes. That just not a lifestyle I want to live.

You are normal to be scared. It's major surgery with permanent changes. What I know is that everyone is going to die but I didn't want to die like I was before surgery. I was in total peace when I had surgery.


Oh..and you won't get too thin. Or else you will be the first one I've seen in 7.5 years.

on 9/10/16 6:29 am
RNY on 02/01/16

I would 100% do the Surgery, it cured my constipation that I suffered from for Years, I've been in the ER for it too.  Now I have no issues and take no laxatives. It is so Wonderful just for that.   I had a friend who weighed in your Range, she did it and is so.. happy she did, she looks Amazing.  The weight loss is very slow probably less than 15 pounds a month, people don't understand that even having the surgery you still have to diet, Trust me you won't Fade Away!!!  Lots of weeks you won't loose anything or will gain.   Your very fortunate to be scheduled and approved that doesn't happen for some, Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, it also cured my acid Reflux, it cured my friends type 2 diabetes.  Even in the 170's that's Big,  over the years as you get older you'll probably climb back in the 200's, You won't believe how much better you will be able to move around and more Energy.  This surgery should help you for a lifetime I would Think?, If you get to the weight you want all you have to do is eat a little more to maintain. Simple, I know people who chickened out and they all regretted it and had to start all over and they already could of had the weight off.  .  


Height 5'4

S.W. 251

C.W. 129

G.W. 125

on 9/10/16 9:16 am

Thank you Christy.  That's exactly  what I needed to hear.  I'm going forward.  Scared to death of complications, but moving forward.

RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125

on 9/10/16 2:15 pm

Hi Karen,

I was supposed to have my RNY on 8/10.....I panicked and canceled the morning of. I've regretted it every day since. I would have already been 4 weeks out today. It's scary to think of the complications that could happen. Don't let those negative thoughts take over like I did. I'm hoping to reschedule for this December, just working on getting my head straight right now. You can do this! I can do this! Let's keep each other focused on the positive!

on 9/11/16 5:09 am

Thank you Lilly, I am back on board now.  Wednesday is the day.  Eeek

RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125

CJ On Orcas
on 9/10/16 6:39 pm
RNY on 09/09/16

Karen989:  i had my surgery yesterday. Lost 25 pounds on pre-op diet. But, how many times have I lost that SAME 25 pounds?  Many.  I hav diabetes, hypertnsion, two bad knees and arthritis.  I am 57 and have spent about 40 or thos years badly out of shape and overweight.  I ish I had been a le to grt this surgery earlier, but had no insurance coverage.

Was I scared yesterday? Terrified.  But so glad now that I stayed the course.  Today is the first day Of the best of my life!

(I do have terrible bad gas at the moment though... Full disclosure)

on 9/11/16 5:11 am

Thanks Cheryl.  I'm back in, just terrified of complications.  Hope you are able to walk off the gas pains and feel better soon.

RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125
