What's on your Saturday Menu, RNYers?
on 8/27/16 3:10 pm
Thanks, feeling better every day. I think next week will be the real "full" procedure, which has to happen in the OR :( I'm not looking forward to that one at all...
Good morning gang. I lost 2 pounds on AMAW-C. It helped me cut down on all the fruit I was eating; but it is the way I normally eat. I went for my 6 month follow up yesterday. I didn't tell them about AMAW-C. But, they really want me to increase the carbs & have less protein. NOT! At least not yet. My blood work was perfect. I've reached their goal (150 lbs); I am 146 lbs today. And I've lost 76% of my excess body weight. They were very happy with my results, so far.
Most memorable first day of school was grade 7. I hated the Catholic school I was at. I was a shy, awkward kid & the other kids picked on me. Plus all the cute boys were in the public school. So, my amazing Mom, switched me at my request. I must have bloomed over the summer because all of a sudden, I was the popular girl - I think I got boobs. I also, officially met my now husband - his locker was next to mine.
Todays eats include: protein coffee, ham & cheese, crab legs, steak, shrimp & sauce and a little fruit.
JB, congrats on your new low. Since we're similar in height, I hope to be where you are, eventually.
Have a great day everyone!

4' 11" Female. Sw 238. Goal138.
on 8/27/16 3:14 pm
Getting boobs = meeting your future husband. Awesome :)
KEEP GOING doing what you are doing to lose. Trust me, it gets harder and harder the lower you go. At our height, it literally means eating 900 cals or lower to lose, and about 1000 to maintain. For life! So when they tell you to increase carbs, smack them across the face ;)
I don't remember any first days at all, but I remembered being petrified of starting junior high because we had to take showers after gym class. I worried about that whole summer before....
15 months out:
B: L&F Greek vanilla yogurt with 10 g whey isolate protein powder mixed in, 10 raspberries
S: protein shake, coffee with a little half & half
L: the other half of my chicken/bean huarache (leftover from yesterday's lunch), minus the tortilla thing
D: probably a Caprese salad - I need to use up my basil and tomatoes
I'll need more protein - so probably another protein shake or some Greek yogurt later tonight
exercise: TRX class at 8:15 this morning!
Happy Saturday everyone! If it makes you feel any better, JB, I'm at work, too. I'm a software administrator for a company that does housing (hotel) and registration services for conventions for large professional associations, and registration opens for the shows that happen in the Spring (which is a lot) in the Fall, so my hands are extremely full. That's a crazy, nonsensical run on sentence that is the most basic job description of what I do. I'm in the midst of building websites right now. ANYWAYS. AMAW was not a complete failure for me, I blew it on yogurt, but I still lost almost 6 pounds. I'm having a really rough time eating or having any sort of appetite ever since they removed my gallbladder - I am literally forcing myself to eat anything. The nausea isn't so bad anymore, my appetite is gone though. I'm riding this out, I want to get as much weight off as I can the first year.
QOTD: I hated the first day of school, I was always the fat, awkward kid. I have no good memories.
B: Hot dog, no bun
L: I have some watermelon, I haven't ate it yet
D:? I may go grab some sashimi after I get out of the office, a new sushi joint opened up that I'm curious to try. (Reno sushi leaves a lot to be desired)
What are Cello Whisps? Are they just cheese? They sound good, but I'm hesitant, cause I don't like Mr. Cheese Os.
on 8/27/16 3:19 pm
Good for you on the 6 lbs! I hope you start to feel more like yourself, soon though!
Yeah the Cello Whisps are just baked Parm--no other ingredients. They are tasty in small doses but really rich. I like the Cheese Os better because they cut the richness a bit.
In other news, you can eat Sushi rice!? I think I'd blow up like a hot air balloon and literally explode. I had ONE BITE of white rice, once, at about 9 months post op, and thought I was going to die.
Happy Saturday everyone
I don't remember so much for myself but my daughter on her first day of kindergarten was crying when I picked her up from school (keep in mind I was a mess all day long about her starting school and I couldn't wait to pick her up) and I was like what's wrong. Didn't you like it? Did you miss us? And her response was that she wanted to ride the bus home. So she was crying that I was picking her up....
B: bacon and eggs
l: light and fit Greek yogurt
d: 2oz chicken fajita w/ a tbsp of queso and 1/4 cup refried beans
s: 1/2 protein shake w/ mootopia
calories: 536 protein 60 carbs 29 fat 20