Ablation and ovary removal

on 8/25/16 6:28 pm, edited 8/25/16 6:30 pm - ME

Well I have cysts causing a lot of pain on my left ovary. Add that to very heavy painful periods for about 4 yrs, and it sucks!

So my doctor and I have decided to have my left ovary removed and an ablation done to help with my periods. I am 45 and not interested in any kind of birth control pill or IUD, I'm over it!

What I'd like to know is what are your experiences with these procedures. My surgery is next Friday and I know everyone is different but I'd like to hear any info that will help me. Thank you!

Laura A.


on 8/25/16 6:32 pm

I have had so many medical procedures and surgeries. The absolute best was uterine ablation. Easy and I never bled again. I did not have any ovaries removed though.

on 8/25/16 6:48 pm - ME

Thank you for the input! So far I have heard good things about the uterine ablation. Even if I got some light periods I'd be happy! I'm just so sick of the pain and getting up in the middle of the night 2-3 Times because of it.

Laura A.


H.A.L.A B.
on 8/25/16 7:01 pm

I had ablation and it was a blessing. Plus - it will help up you long term with iron.  I was period free for couple of years...then when they returned - they were very short and light. Pantyliner light... 

Good luck. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/25/16 7:18 pm - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

I got by without ovary removal experiencing abnormal, heavy bleeding more so than pain.  My experience with ablation / D&C was about the same experience as other surgeries.  (even the Mirena IUD insertion was done while I was under).  Once an IV is in place, the drugs take hold, the procedure is completed, recovery goes from yuck to tolerable within hours and Tylenol becomes my drug of choice for the next couple of days.  Walking seems to help feel normal sooner.  Cramping afterward was no worse than monthly period cramps.  My least favorite experience was uterine biopsies because they were done during an office visit without any kind of pain control measures.  I found the IUD a good way to eliminate uterine bleeding altogether from the age of 48 to age 53.  The IUD stayed in place for six years with no problems of any kind and good results. Saying goodbye to painful periods will be a game-changer for you.  GO.

on 8/25/16 8:49 pm
RNY on 05/16/15

I had an ablation and wish I had done it long ago (just like RNY).  My iron was so low and nothing was reducing my periods.  I think I was probably 45 or so as well.  Easy procedure, easy recovery. We weren't sure how successful it would be since I had twins and that makes your uterus larger than the optimal size for the procedure, but I had some bleeding at first, then nothing for 6 months, then a random period, and no more ever again.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/26/16 4:32 am - ME

Thanks ladies, i`m less anxious now! I`m praying everything goes well. The biopsy in the office wasn`t fun!

Laura A.


on 8/26/16 11:23 am
RNY on 02/16/15

that biopsy is the worst -- EXCRUCIATING pain for a minute.  Recovery after surgery you might have some cramping that lasts longer, but NOWHERE NEAR intensity of the biopsy.  You have probably had worse periods than the ablation recovery cramping.  My ablation was done at 40. Most docs don't want to do it before then just in case you were to ever change mind about kids or more kids. I was recommending it and telling people my gyn was my Savior. Wish I could've done it sooner. It lasted a full 3 years with no period. Then just light ones.

But then things got erratic and painful - then lots more painful. Did the big-H hysterectomy at 45, but kept ovaries. Also HIGHLY recommend that to anyone with miserable periods and peri-menopause issues. Recovery was tougher ... I could not get enough sleep, but was also MO. Went back to work at 5 weeks and was instantly sick with cold and official Flu A. Guess immune resistance was not back to normal. So I went back to sleep for days. 

Pathology of the uterus after hysterect revealed Adenomyosis, but they cannot tell that until they slice & dice it. But you might ask your doc about it.  It is like "endometriosis", but the overgrowth is within the uterus and causes the pain & heavy periods.

on 8/26/16 8:44 am

Ablation was best thing ever!  Bloodwork is soo much better. I read alot of horror stories about pain after. It was a breese!!!

on 8/28/16 3:32 pm - ME

Thanks everyone, i`m happy to hear that most have had good experiences with these procedures.  I`m getting nervous as I get closer to Friday. This has helped a lot, I`m glad I asked!

Laura A.

