What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?
Good Morning Everyone!
QOTD: The first album I bought was when I was a pre-teen and it was The Monkees. I was obsessed with the Monkees! Ha Ha!
I'm still following AMAW-C and have NOT had any protein bars this week!
What I ate yesterday was: 2 hard-boiled eggs mixed w/ light mayo & shredded cheese, bacon, moon cheese, 2 hard-boiled eggs mixed w/ light mayo & shredded cheese, moon cheese and a hamburger patty (which took forever to go down, but finally did). (Still occasionally having problems with dense protein).
Exercise: Took both dogs for a LONG walk around the subdivision with a neighbor who walked with me. That was nice to have company! I hope she & I walk together more often.
Today I have to drive 3 hours to Omaha to see my surgeon for my 6 month check-up and then drive 3 hours back home. UGH, I hate driving and don't like driving in big cities!
Have a fantastic day, everyone!
~ Karen

I saw them in concert, too, when they did their reunion tour in 1986. LOL That was a fun show!

You guys! I am DYING! I head out on vacation tomorrow for ELEVEN DAYS IN A ROW OFF WORK, but of course a million fires have to be put out before I can go. Yesterday I discovered MOLD IS GROWING in my vacant, waiting to be renovated library. MOLD! I don't know how to deal with mold! I called my director of public works, who clearly thinks of me as a damsel in distress, and he didn't know what to do either! Any mold-ologists out there?!
It was a bit of a sleepless night.
But the point is, even though I'm super stressed and HIGHLY considered getting the vanilla creme donut at Dunkin this morning, I resisted - because "I can have it if I want it, but do I really want it?" went through my mind...
QOTD: I think it was Boys II Men - the one with Motown Philly, which might have been the name of the album now that I think of it.
Time since surgery: 2+ years
B: coffee with cream, DD Wake Up Wrap
S: more coffee, Siggi's
L: chicken skillet thingy again, string cheese
S: another string cheese and turkey sausage bites
D: omelet
S: Suzie's Thins with PB, frozen Chobani tube
TOTALS: Calories 1111, Protein 91, Carbs 63, Fat 59
V/W: started
E: yoga tonight
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014