What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?
Happy Birthday to your son.
No dress here, but I think I look pretty good in my royal blue capris and print top. No pic though.
QOTD: I have read all the HP books and while I would love to be a Gryffindor, I am indeed a Hufflepuff. But since you asked two questions, here's a pic of my pets, Max is the fat one, he is very dumb and lovable, Cleo is the little one, she is his aunt.
Sorry, I can't seem to make it smaller.
B: 2 Eggs, decaf coffee w/cream
L: Deli Ham & Cheese rollups
D: Chicken, zucchini
S: Sargento Balanced Breaks/1/2 Premier Protein shake

That's a big cat.
6'3" tall, male.
Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.
M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.
Good Morning Everyone!
Oh, I just love both of these QOTD's! For the Harry Potter question, my first thought was I'd like to be in Griffendor just so I could be with Harry, Hermione and Ron, but I like Hufflepuff's values best and the sorting hat put me in Hufflepuff so I'm happy to be a Hufflepuff.
When my daughter was younger we had an awesome Harry Potter Birthday party for her. We had a game where we divided the kids into 2 "houses" and told them a spy had crept into their house using the invisibility cloak. We put a cloth over one of the kids from each group and sent him to the other "house". Each team had to guess who was under the "invisibility cloak" by asking yes or no questions. The kids loved it! For favors each kid made their own wand using a wooden dowel stick and all kinds of glittery and sparkly wrapping, stars, and other decorations. For the piñata I made it look like a Golden Snitch and filled it with yellow ping pong balls that dropped all over the room. The kids scrambled to get one. Each ball had a number corresponding to certain Harry Potter themed prize. Punch was color changing "potion". Etc, etc. It was so much fun!
PETS: Tippy is a 6-year old Chihuahua that we adopted in February when her owner suddenly died and she needed a new home. She is such a cuddle bug! Blossom is a 2-year old Golden Retriever mix that we adopted in April from a shelter. She is also a big lover! We also have 2 rescued pet pigeons. One we found after he had been hit by a car 18 or 19 YEARS ago! The vet did not give him much hope for survival, but we nursed him back to health and since he was a street pigeon, we tried to let him go. He flew back onto my shoulder and back to the front door and tried to get back inside the house. We decided he wanted to stay with us and he's been our pet ever since! He coos at us and plays with toys and is a real character! We also have a pet salamander.
Yesterday I ate: a protein shake, chicken w/ mashed potatoes & gravy, a Clif protein bar, chili and a Power protein bar. Today will probably be similar.
Have a great day, everyone!
~ Karen

Happy birthday to the boy!
Wow you have a lot of dresses and skirts! I'm jelly, but bought a few over this weekend to give a whirl.
sort of stressed today- too much to do and not enough time.
QOTD: yall know we have 4 chihuahua's (Uma is 14, Lucy is 13, Itty bitty (boy) is 8 and Zooey is 21 months old. The last two are strays/rescue pups. We love them to pieces but they can be a challenge.
Here is what I actually ate yesterday:
Calories 754
Prot: 87
carbs: 41
B: carbmaster yogurt/carbmaster milk/decaf
Lunch: ham/green bean
dinner: ribs/green bean
snacks: shrimp/1/2 gnc protein bar/yogurt/carbmaster milk
Morning. Wishing your son a Happy Birthday from LA, AV!!! Notice I did not say Good Morning . . . there is nothing good about it. It's still oven hot and my firm is having new website photos taken. Which would be all well and good, except some brilliant person (probably male) decided that full body shots were the way to go and would make our website "cutting edge." Screw that crap . . . my weight is up, I feel like a fat sweaty cow and I have to look comfortable taking a full body shot? Hells to the no. I can't wait until today is over. Also, I'm in ho****er with my boss. I wrote a mediation report and, in editing, removed a sentence that was pretty necessary. He was working on it last night and it didn't make sense to him so he sent me an email . . . at 9:30 . . . that I didn't see until 11:30 . . . dude, if you need to get ahold of me after hours, might I suggest a phone call, because at 9:30 p.m. I was driving my dog around so he could cool off. My air conditioning ran all day and at 9:30 it was still 85 in my house. To quote Kristen, no bueno.
Because I was just talking about my dog, I'll answer both of KQOTD. (1) I have a Siberian Husky named Nikolai. Sadly, my dog could benefit from WLS (and since I don't want him to have GERD, I'd recommend RNY!) He tore the ligaments in both his knees, and in the process gained a crap ton of weight. He's on a perpetual diet, but he's the laziest dog in the world, so it's a never ending struggle. We also refer to him as the 6 million dollar dog . . . while that is a bit of an exageration, he has cost me a fortune: 2 knee surgeries; 1 accidental poisoning; and skin allergies. Let's put it this way, I have Pet Insurance and he's maxed out on some of his benefits. He is the sweetest dog in the world though and I wouldn't trade him for anything. (2) While I would choose to be in Gryffindor, I would likely be sorted into Hufflepuff.
Here's my plan:
B: 2 eggs, 1.5 oz ham, 1 0z cheese
L: Left over New York Strip steak (3.9 oz)
D: Tuna and pear and gorgonzola salad
S: sliced chicken with spinach dip made with greek yogurk; light and fit
Totals: Cal: 922; Protein: 102g; Fat: 39g; Carbs: 26g
LOL @ 6 million dollar dog. My aunt's dog Bill has also torn ligaments in both knees resulting in pretty spendy surgery. They call him Dollar Bill now. HA!