What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?
I am Pamela Kathleen. My mother thought she was going to have twins when she 1st found that she was pregnant with me and was going with Pamela and Pandora. Well it was just me and Im super happy she went with Pamela. Some of my close friends call my Pammy (not everyone gets away with this) or Pam-a-lam (softball name) but most of the time Im Pam. Now that I think about it I have been a bigger lady all of my life, even my mom thought I was going to be twins??
I went to the WLS support group here in Portland last night and I really enjoy it. I find I think about food all the time though. Im trying to know the line between obsessing and keeping track. I even dream about food. Last night (early this morning) at 1am I woke up smelling food and I thought it was because I was dreaming about it just to find out my step daughter came in from work and was cooking. This morning at 6am I again woke up smelling food and my wife was cooking taco turkey meat for dinner tonight. Needless to say I am hungry so I need to go eat my breakfast.
B- scrambled egg
L- chicken salad
D- turkey taco
snacks- Cheedz snack and chicken jerkey

Mine was Hillary Leigh until I got married. My grandma's middle was Lee. when I got married I changed my maiden to my middle. So now it is Bell.
Ready to sleep in this weekend!! I can't wait.
I'm going to zumba with my neighbor tomorrow night, have not been in years! I do really love going though.
B: gnc wheybolic shake
S: tuna/hummus
L: ahi tuna burger i think
D: turkey chili
Under 650
exercise: not sure yet.
Happy Thursday! I haven't felt the work thing all week, but you're right, there are bills to pay . . . so work I will! My middle name is Ruth, named after my maternal grandmother.
Menu is completely up in the air. I'm having dinner with friends at a restaurant that has great reviews, except for one thing . . . the portions are SMALL, which should be great for me, right? We'll see . . . my friend (who knows I've had surgery) said we may have to drive thru Jack in the Box on the way home to supplement (she's one of those friends to can eat fast food every day and still look great. Hate her) As a result, I have absolutely no clue what I'm eating today, which is causing a mild panic. On the bright side, I got Starbucks this morning and actually remembered to bring it into my office with me. Small victory. Here's my plan, such as it is.
B: Left over New York Strip
L: Pork Chop, Snap peas
S: Sugar Free Latte; Light and Fit; Somersaults
Totals: Cal. 793; Protein: 81g; Fat: 29g; Carbs: 46g (I would like to get my carbs back under 40 so I think I may have to sub out one of my snacks for a pure protein version. Anyone out there interested in going low carb with me next week??
My mom's name was Ruth! If my son had been a girl, that would've been his middle name.

Can I pose a question to you all? Have any of you suffered from burn out? I am sooooo tired lately. Tired of weighing and measuring my food, tired of always being on plan, tired of fearing regain, tired of worrying if I have an extra coffee that it will cause my carb count to spike and will reflect on the scale. I won't stop measuring and logging, but I really, really, really want to. If you have gone through this, how did you cope? Lately it is a struggle every day. This thread is one thing that keeps me sane. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm really open to anything. Thanks in advance!
Preach. I suffer from menu fatigue a lot because I tend to eat the same things every day. I have good days when I'm all focused and **** and bad days where I'm hungry from the moment my feet touch the floor and I white knuckle it through the day. And then I have really bad days where I'm all "screw it" and I eat off plan. I try to remember that I'm only human and that I need to be kind to myself. And if being kind to myself means that I have a slice of pizza every once in a while, then that's what I do.