What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?
on 2/4/16 9:32 am
You really have had so much stress lately. Bad sleep is one of the worst things to deal with! I totally empathize.
Learning to manage stress while still making healthy eating choices is one of my greatest challenges. I have had some enormous family stresses since my surgery--things that were always there, but that have become more apparent and needed dealing with now. Beyond these deep emotional stresses, we have had regular life stresses plus a string of house problems (Floods! Mouse infestation! carpenter ants! dying appliances! Dying cars!)
I have been grateful sometimes that the surgery just helps me "hang in there" in eating better than before--it helps me not to gain weight when I probably would have gained in previous years.
I have realized that stress is a huge eating trigger for me. I am working hard to learn to better manage the stresses of life. Part of it, for me, is trying to accept the stresses as "normal" and to be willing to let a lot of other things go. Of course, letting things go also leads to stress! With some of the deeper family issues, I have been striving to accept them--to see these as things that will always be there. These are serious issues, and to accept them brings me such grief. But it is also becoming a little bit of a relief, a little bit freeing--I cannot fix them, I cannot change them, it is not about me, etc. This emotional work has been truly the very hardest HARDEST thing I have done in my entire life.
So, here's to managing stress.

Thanks for this. It's nice to know I'm not alone, though I don't wish problems on anyone.
My hubby called, his job in Texas is taking longer than expexted, so he's missing his 1pm flight that would get him home by 5. Now he won't be home until at least 10, IF things go well. He may have to stay another night. I'm feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, and he just wants to chatter away on the phone telling me specifics about the technical problems he's having with the machine. Of course, I have no idea what he's really talking about, I have an overload of work in front of me that he interrupted, and I don't want to hurt his feelings by ending the call when he was just being courteous by calling to update me.
I'm feeling extremely depressed right now.
Good news to temper the bad: grandma sent a text and said Kal pooped in the potty again. He initiated it himself while she was changing the baby. I'm bringing him a potty award home so we can hang it in the bathroom. He just turned 2 in November and I hope to have him trained by summer.
Good Morning and happy Friday-Eve! I am Kelly Lynne (yes, you have to have the E!) When I was younger I wanted to go by Lynne since there are also boys that spell Kelly with just the Y at the end too. What's funny is people still shorten to Kel or Kells
Time since surgery: 17 months
B: SF latte, egg beaters with spinach, broccoli, and cheese
L: Sweet and spicy tuna packet, baby carrots and a string cheese
S: SF latte, L&F Greek raspberry yogurt, and Sargento balance breaks, and pouch of turkey
D: TJ sweet basil chicken and turkey sausage, broccoli and SF pudding with toasted coconut flakes
E: 6 miles running
V/W: On track
Totals: Cals:1203 Protein:124 Carbs:86 Fat:38
Have a great one!
Friday Eve, yas!
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014
Cynthia Ann here. I am the youngest of 5, and supposedly my brother came up with my name... guess it was a family discussion. Still on baby watch if she doesn't go into labor by tomorrow, scheduled C-section.
Feeling a little less stressed. Called the Cardiologists office and was able to get the appointment moved up a week. Feel so much better about that. At least if they want a test, there is time to do it.
Things are coming together. Got on Jetblue website because I was trying to figure out when to go visit my new grandbaby, and I popped in the 18th to 25th..figuring go the day after my visit to DC... and it came up with flights $59 each way.. I was on the phone with my girlfriend she was like "Quick- book it! You will never get that again!!" So I did. I figured I'd better get on the cheap Jetblue bandwagon with booking my friend who is going to come in and help me. We only booked her coming into NY, but that worked really well too, $98 from Tampa and she arrives in JFK within 5 minutes as when I am coming in from Chicago... perfect I don't have to make another trip.
Down another pound this AM... what the? what the? As you get further out there seems no rhyme or reason as to why you will suddenly drop...
B: Inspire Chocolate Cherry
L: Chicken Salad, 1/2 english muffin
S: Hummus and celery
D: Chicken Enchilada bake
S; Hot Premier Protein
E: 21-day-fix extreme - which is not done yet. Work phone calls they do get in the way of things.
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
Happy Thursday!!! Chanel Marie is me. All the girls in my family have the middle name Marie going back as far as i can remember. I have no motivation today, my day is mostly consisting of wiping noses since all my kids are sick. thats the worst :( seems like this year we have had one long never ending cold. must be the weird weather. you guys all have such beautiful names
time since surgery 15 months
B: carbmaster milk and tea
cottage doublers
chicken jerky
L: Veggie burger and thin colby jack
D: Chicken broccli pie
S: protein shake
celery with laughing cow cheese
calories 700 protein 81 carbs 35
i had a snack attack last night and i ate pirates booty white cheddar puffs (hands my head in shame) i did log it and my numbers werent so bad but it was mindless not good for me food. my fit frappe is coming today and im so excited to try it out. i love hot beverages