What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?
My aunt's name is Betsy, named after actress Betsy Palmer. She was in Mr. Roberts, but you may know her as the woman who played Jason's mother in Friday the 13th. LMAO She was born like 20 years before that movie came out, but she loves that little piece of trivia.

My mother was very unimaginative when it came to naming me Karen Sue. My freshman year of college there were 4 other Karens on my floor. Another chilly day in Illinois but I am hoping it will be a bit warmer afternoon so Lily and I can walk our 3 miles at the park. Yesterday's walk got done on the treadmill at 7 pm when I finally got home. I wanted to sit down and relax in front of the TV but instead I got on the nasty treadmill. Busy day today with food pantry and laundry but I will walk and do the bike one way or another. Weight up a bit today at 123 but I suspect bathroom issues as I have stayed on plan. Here's the food for today B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter added L 31/2 oz smoked sausage 1/2 c caprese salad D 31/2 oz lamb chop and 1/2 c Brussels sprouts S Greek yogurt. Supper was last night's plan because I had leftover salad from Cracker Barrel for dinner last night. Have a great day everyone and make some smart choices!
I measure them after they are cooked. I make up a big batch ahead,measure my morning portion,add protein powder and peanut butter and heat and eat. I know they are a carb but I need the fiber and a small amount keeps me full until lunch. They do not make me crave other carbs and I avoid bread,pasta,rice and potatoes completely.
Thank you! I am trying the steel cut oats for breakfast since they are so satisfying and I really like the taste. I cooked up 1/2 cup of the oats (dry measure) the other day and the result was too much for one meal. It makes sense to measure them after cooking and to increase the protein content. I try to get most of my fiber from food too - frozen berries are my favourite source by far, but milled flax seed and avocado are right up there as well. I occasionally have a bit of rice or sweet potato, but steer clear of bread and pasta, as they are trigger foods for me.
on 2/4/16 6:04 am
Hello all.
I don't even know why I'm telling you guys this. My name is Florencio Gary. I can hear snickers.... My Father was from Italy, and his brother Florencio was killed at 19 during the Korean conflict. So, his first born son gets his brothers name. It made me tough though. Alot of fights.
It was a lousy nights sleep for me. I guess I get to look forward to having good sleep tonight. My wife is too cute. The room has to be like 90 degrees at night now. For 17 years, I've slept in a freezer. Now, well you all know how cold we get.
B: 1 entire egg
L: beef stew 3oz.
D: ham 'handwich' pork rinds
E: crawling on my knees, begging for heat.
Have a great day! Stay safe and dry.