What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?
Good Thursday morning, all! Is it wrong that I'm already thinking about quitting time? I'm just not feeling it (work) today. I mean, more than usual. LOL Oh well, Mama's got bills to pay so no sense in moaning and groaning, amirite?
Question of the Day! What's your middle name? I'm Kristen Greta, which is a variation of my grandmother's name Grethe. My mom didn't want to go full tilt Norwegian, so she modified the spelling. I HATED my name when I was a kid, but I think it's pretty cool now. Fun Fact: my initials are KGB. LOL
Time since surgery: 18 1/2 months
B: coffee, Special K protein cereal
S: 1 oz. deer jerky and a sharp cheddar stick
L: Buffalo chicken salad on 34 degree crackers
D: shrimp ****tail
TOTALS: Cals: 687 Protein: 92 Carbs: 58 Fat: 13
OK, this is absolutely not enough food (or fat) for me, but again, the cupboard is bare and I need to go shopping. I think I'll just grab a cottage cheese or something at lunch to supplement... Have a great day!

I'm Ashley Brooke. My mother wanted it the other way around but my grandmother hated it. Now we have 3 girls with A and one with B. Really messed up our name symmetry.
B- Latte and Siggys tube with freeze dried fruit
S- Premier Protein Shake
L- Cheese, olives, pistachios
S- Latte
D- 2 oz ground beef, 1 cracker cut, 1 tsp mayo
S- Thin Addictives and 1 tbs cream cheese
Carbs- 62
Protein- 76
on 2/4/16 5:25 am
I'm Julia Elizabeth. Named because it sounded like an author's name and that was my mom's pre-natal aspiration for me. Fun fact: I'm related to the one-room school house teacher of the Wright Brothers (also named Julia) and I have a set of her silver spoons with her name engraved.
B: Egg
S: Mr. Cheese Os
L: Fage Blueberry Greek yogurt
S: Sargento Balanced Break and apple slices
D: salmon and salsa
S: Plain Greek yogurt with cinnamon bun protein powder
Cals: 892 / Protein: 78 / Carbs : 49 / Fat: 31
I'm Shauna Nicole. My mom said my middle name is named after a character on the soap opera Guiding Light. Deep right, lol!
I'm up a creek today with my meal plan! I took the train in for jury duty and forgot how much crap tempts me when I take public transit. You just wanna be like the other commuters and stop and get dunkin donuts, wawa or a soft pretzel. And I'm close to the Amish and all there yummy sweets. Must be strong...
Time since surgery: 9 months
M1: protein bar
M2-4: no idea, depends on how long I'm kept today. It'll be easy to find protein, hard to avoid all the carby crap!

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI
Oh, AV, I too am not feeling work at all today - I can. not. wait. for the end of the day as that signals time for me to go to DC and visit Emily! Monday is going to be a very difficult day at work and I'm looking forward to a weekend of fun to get ready for it.
So my middle name is Loren, but perhaps more shockingly (lol), my first name is ANDREA. I've NEVER gone by Andrea, I've always, always been Anny (though originally it was Annie - ask me about 4th grade later), so I don't even think to answer to Andrea usually. Not that I have anything against the name... I didn't realize Loren was a typically masculine name until I was in grad school - but my parents extracted it from my grandmother's name, fLORENentine. I briefly attempted to go by Loren (you know, be A. Loren), but I never made it stick.
My menu is mostly incomplete today as I have a work lunch and then a hair cut at 6pm, so dinner is up in the air as well. But here's what I've got.
Time since surgery: 23 months
B: Special K breakfast sandwich, coffee with cream
S: L&F with sliced almonds
L: ?
S: KIND bar on the way to the hair cut
TOTALS: Not even bothering since this is so incomplete
V/W: started
E: a quick circuit this morning at home. I'm recently obsessed with circuits - this is the "No Equipment Needed" Full-Body Circuit Workout that I used this morning - paired with a 5 minute Sworkit warm up and then cool down. Highly recommend this one, it had me sweating a bit for sure!
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014
Hey all, My name is Nikki Anne. No, I am not Nicole and yes, Anne is spelled with an E. My mother gave me her middle name only she added the E because she thought it was more sophisticated (but yet she didn't name me Nicole...UGH). I was supposed to carry on this tradition with my own daughter but decided to go with my paternal Grandmother's name instead. Boy was my mom pissed. Oh well, Eleanor Eldeen has a better ring to it than Eleanor Anne.
I did really well yesterday. I stayed on plan eating, well my carbs were high but my protein was too and my calories stayed low. I ran (even though it was on the dreaded treadmill) and I hit the water hard. Aunt Flo also made an appearance. So I'm totally blaming that ***** for my sugar cravings and the 5 lbs I've gained.
Time since surgery: 19+ months
B: Coffee with cream and a Jimmy Dean Breakfast Sammy
S: Fit Frappe with Coffee (which I need to reorder)
L: Lean Cuisine Beef Rancheros
S: 1/2 Quest Bar
D: Country Style Pork Ribs (hubbie failed to put them in the slow cooker yesterday )
W/V: Started
E: Swim after work
Totals: Calories 1004, Protein 70, Carbs 78, Fat 46
Ha! Ann(e) was going to be my name but my parents couldn't agree on E or no E and so went with Andrea and then called me Anny anyway. So weird!
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014