Sharp Pain 3 weeks Post Op
Anyone know if sharp pains inside the new pouch is normal? It is not the incision... it's like there's something stabbing me from the inside. Advice is appreciated.
As I am also an RN, If it is too severe especially if you are having additional symptoms like increased sweating or chest pains, I would go to the ER. If not, at the least; I would definitely consult your MD on Monday. I had my RNY Sept 19, so I am just over 3 months, and I am still having some sharp stabbing pains at times that wake me up and take my breath away, right up into my left shoulder after talking with my MD they suggested taking GasX for increased Gas build up, I am still doing that a few times a day and that seems to help with the pain sometimes. Also I pay close attention to what I eat, I now discovered when I eat any type of breaded product it causes me pain in my pouch, I guess it doesn't like it, or is unable to digest it properly not sure but it seems to happen with almost every type of bread I have tried. I hope you are feeling better soon, Kim

I had something similar but mine was nerve pain. Mine continued to get worse until I was in such severe pain that my doctor agreed to try a nerve blocker. That controlled the nerves enough to settle them down and my pain went away. It was like night and day with me.
Don't know if this is the same as yours but keep it in mind because I had to keep on calling my doctors office so that they knew it was more than just the "normal" pain.
Good luck.
I had some pain a few weeks out also. It was a sharp stabbing pinching pain on the left side. Was worse when I would get up from a sitting position etc. Lasted a couple of days. I remember it being over a weekend and by Monday it was good. I told my Dr. About it and he said it was from the surgery on the inside. He said if it comes and go that was normal...if it comes and stays then they need to know.