Am I crossing over the line?
Thanks for your opinion, but to clarify they were not the same day. I did only have one peanut butter ball and I do track my calories and have not gone over at all. I am just concerned that If I start allowing anything sweet into my diet if it will sabotage all my efforts. I guess my questions come from the thought why would it be in my nutrition book if it was off limits? However I must agree that sweets always were my biggest downfall and probably still are. Thanks again for you thoughts.
the n
NUTS in surgeons offices are often not aware of the differences in bariatric patients dietary. Needs,though they should be.
We often have to tKe what they say with a grain of salt and make out own decisions about their advice.
good that you didn't eat them on the same day and only one ball,but re you. Having the cheesecake thing everyday for breakfast and at least one ball every day? Therein lies the slippery slope.
on 1/8/16 8:12 am
Your questioning your own motives is a very good change that I myself had to do at about 3 months, with peanut butter. I chose to use my honeymoon time to get to goal asap.
I am reprogramming myself to be craving veggies, It's almost like I "cheat" with zucchini now instead of cheese-its. So, now if I am eating and want to continue after my portion is gone, I will eat another piece or two of zucchini and then stop. It's almost like I allow myself tolerance to eat A bite extra only.
I avoid anything sweet, ever. Personal choice, but that's only because I know that is a slippery slope from jump street. I really thing it's about changing our old behaviors and being honest about our weaknesses. I think you made the right choice to post this because that means it bothered you. THAT'S the key to this I think.
I think you are..
I am 7+ years post op.. I recently have some gut issues - inflammation... I could not eat a lot of foods... initially I lost 8 lbs in a very short time... then I started eating nuts..just a few at a time... then I could eat a handful. My rapid weight loss stopped.
I still have problem within real foods - but I can eat nuts and nut butters with no problem... just yesterday I only had one real meal - but I snacked on my nuts enough to get over my calorie limits...
nuts are wonderful... nut butters are heaven... but it is a very slippery line...
(BTW: ... and in case anyone wonders - - yes I am under doc care and they had run a lot of tests and ..nothing... we don't know what the heck is going on... but I am getting better.. I can eat pickles
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
on 1/8/16 9:42 am
My two-cents: don't waste your honeymoon period. It will never ever be as easy as it is right now -- don't blow it on half way tasty crap.
As I have stated in my previous posts, I am a food addict. That means I have had to practice abstinence from trigger foods to be successful. Have you ever seen someone who quit smoking by using those vapor things? Or alcoholics who only drink beer ... since it's lower in alcohol? Or heroin addicts who use suboxodone or methadone -- that's what I equate "healthy" sweets with for me. I am a food addict. I will justify anything to get my fix.
I see you're questioning yourself. There's a reason. You already know the answer.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
The pudding in the yogurt is no different than all the flavored sweet yogurts out there. It is just flavoring your yogurt. I have done it many times. I prefer buying plain yogurt and flavoring how I want. It is no worse that the apple caramel chobani and all the other yogurts people eat. Only you know if it is too much... a slippery slope.
The PB balls can be high calorie and easy to overdo... those I would worry about.
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
Well it is a hell of a lot better than many other choices you could make!
However, if you can live without it .. do so. Like many have said - use your honeymoon period to the fullest.
Maintenance can be HELL. Regain is real - so enjoy the reduced hunger, malabsorption and rapid weight loss. I do not think flavored yogurt is evil in any way ... compared to the bite of my husband's bear claw cookie I just ate.
Count your calories. Exercise. Focus. Enjoy the ride.
Best decision ever...
My surgery was 13 months ago and sugar was always my weakness. Well now I am eating 4 packs of mintos a day and have gained 2 pounds. Plus I am not feeling very well. I told my husband not to let me buy those anymore because that is why I ended up morbidly obese. Please listen to the vets and be careful. Stay on your path.
The foods you are describing have been posted on bariatric recipe websites, supplied by WLS Nuts, and talked about on here. I don't see why they would be considered crossing the line? Greek yogurt has become my "ice cream," protein smoothies have become my "DQ Blizzards," protein balls and BA calcium chews have become my "candy," and so on. In fact, I'm going to use your idea to dust with cocoa powder. My insight is that you being 3 months post-op, you're looking to try variation that seems WLS-friendly to me. ??