Uncontrollable hunger!
on 12/27/15 12:40 pm
I saw a quote this morning that resonated with me: One bad meal isn't going to make a difference just like one good meal isn't going to make a difference, either.
We are in this for the long haul. We have no other choice because our only other choice is to be where we were and that's just not an option! Get busy doing something else so you won't be thinking about eating. I make lists and I do something off my lists before I go nuts. I come here and blog sometimes about complete randomness. I color. I clean. I cook healthy dinners that only I will eat, portion them out, and freeze them. That actually takes lots of time.
I had RNY back in 2009 and I still have moments where I wanna eat. I stare sometimes at my My Fitness Pal data and I'm like...how can I squeeze in a tub of cookies...and I can't ever find a way!!! That must mean that I don't need them; after all, they just make me feel like poo anyways, guilt sets in, and there I go, in downward mentality. It's sometimes weeks/months before I get it together after bouts like that, so I have to literally force myself not to eat.
Do what all these guys said and stay tough!!!
on 12/27/15 12:56 pm
I am 4 months out of surgery and honestly, I can't believe I am writing this..I'm embarrassed! My weight has gone up and down 4 pounds for the last MONTH! I am starving all the time...I mean famished...utterly ravenous!
The holidays are here so, of course, I have cooked all my families favorites...I'm not even having dumping! What the heck is wrong with me?? Some days I eat like 4 of those lil cutie mandarin oranges at a time and i don't even feel hardly full! Whats that about?
I notice I am eating a whole lot more than before too. SOme times its not so bad but...I am able to finish a whole lean cuisine meal, for instance...no problem...then eat a couple of cuties..lol.
It isnt funny..Im more hungry than I everused to be and craving oranges and cuties and fruit like crazy.
I get my protein...my water...I take all my vitamins..etc
I live rurally so my Dr is very far away and I had one appt after surgery and back home I am...I know I need to call them..I need to go see a counselor...and maybe a nutritionist..I dunno..but this sux!
And...Why all the gas? There I said it!
Count up how many carbs you are eating a day. (Including fruit) and be honest with yourself.
Carbs can cause cravings for carbs.
Start your day off with healthy protein. Like eggs and bacon. That will curb your craving for carbs as long as you also avoid them
"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker
"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White
We have all gone through this; sometimes you just need to do an entire mental reset and get your head back in the game. Protein first, no white foods, walkwalkwalk!!
I also find that it helps if I drink some water or iced tea, just to keep hydrated. It's all too easy to ignore a "thirst" signal, so our bodies have adapted by making us more aware of "hunger" because that's what we listen to. Try drinking a glass of water, etc., and then if you're really hungry after 30 minutes, have some protein.
You can do this!
Hi. You've been given excellent answers and you've accepted them well. I'm three years post-op and just got back from after-Christmas shopping at Target. While there, I stood a few moments in the aisle with all the clearanced goodies and silently repeated these words, "this stuff almost killed me, this stuff almost killed me..." Three years and I still feel the need to do this kind of self-therapy! Candles and makeup went in my cart instead. Out in the parking lot, I spotted a shopping cart with a full carton of Coke Zero someone forgot. I walked it back in the store to the customer service counter; it would have been more tempting to keep it had I still been a Coke addict. I like my newer life-- happier, healthier, and kinder. Wishing you contentment as you strive for a better life, too.
Hi. You've been given excellent answers and you've accepted them well. I'm three years post-op and just got back from after-Christmas shopping at Target. While there, I stood a few moments in the aisle with all the clearanced goodies and silently repeated these words, "this stuff almost killed me, this stuff almost killed me..." Three years and I still feel the need to do this kind of self-therapy! Candles and makeup went in my cart instead. Out in the parking lot, I spotted a shopping cart with a full carton of Coke Zero someone forgot. I walked it back in the store to the customer service counter; it would have been more tempting to keep it had I still been a Coke addict. I like my newer life-- happier, healthier, and kinder. Wishing you contentment as you strive for a better life, too.
Wow, that was so gentle and sweet. It made me cry. Thank you!
I made split pea soup with leftover ham (I even rinsed the glaze off the ham first) ...Where is my head? I even thought, 'this is low carb and protein', and after I ate a bowl I thought again and looked up the carbs....30/serving...ugh
SO..here I am kickin myself yet trying to tell myself...this is nothing compared to the 6 white yeast rolls you managed to choke down 2 days ago!!
I feel like a dork...I did atkins before I had surgery..I should know this stuff.
1 step forward and 10 steps back...lol
You're not a dork! Just because we know what to do doesn't make it easy to do it!! The past is behind you and today is a new white-roll-less day. :-)

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Hey Cowgirl,
I don't think you've gotten properly educated about this RYN thing that you've got (and so do I). I am a pretty smart person and I needed a few times through everything to get it all. Did you get a booklet that set everything down, week-by-week?? If not, ask your surgeon to send you one. (Here's one from on line, but you should follow your surgeon's advice. This booklet may give you questions to ask your doctor or NUIT at their office for additional clarity.)
I see you are from Crescent City - if you cannot get to see your surgeon, it looks like there may be resources in Brookings, OR, maybe not for the surgery, but maye there is someone there who could manage your long term care. Have you had your 3 months check-up? Lots of blood work to see how your body is absorbing all the vitamins. Also, your surgeon might be able to recommend someone closer that would oversee your follow-up care.
You are getting great advice from the people on this website, but I think in addition you need real medical follow-up, support, and instruction to help you get and stay back on track. I do not think that you are intentionally eating bad things, just that whatever training you got, has not given you good guidance.
(copy and paste the link if it does not click through)
PS Eating after WLS is nothing like what we thought was 'good' before. Lean Cuisines are not in anyway appropriate for a person a few months post-WLS. They have too much volume, too much carbs, and not enough protein. I believe you thought this was a good choice, that is why you need medical support, in addition to what you can get on this website. I understand that you did not get that support because of the distances involved, but you will be in better shape if you get help closer.
Please contact your surgeon and tell them what you wrote here - they will help you get back on track.
My Drs team did give me a class....I think they covered it all but like you, It takes me a few times. I really did think I could eat just about everything but fat and sugar...They never mentioned carbs. I know carbs are sugar, but I think its thrown me way off.
I have looked at my cupboards... What I thought was good post surg shopping...is just TERRIBLE. I have protein bars with way too much carbs, protein cerial...special k snacks..wait... UGH My Dr recommended those! Now I am just confused. I am going to call now.
When you get a chance, look at the booklet I sent - there are pages listing the nuit content of lots of protein bars and giving suggestions of what to eat. Generally, little processed food.
More eggs, chicken, meat, seafood, beans. Snacks - SF yogurt or more protein. I read that its 600-800cal/day to lose 1000 cals/day to maintain.
It just seems that you missed Eating for WLS 101. The good thing is that once you are on track, your weight loss may pick up.
Good luck,
Thanks sweetie
I will look at the book now. I got a good pep talk from my Dr's office. They do it a bit different.. She asked me to try 3 bites of protein to 1 bite of Veggies
3 bites of protein to 1 bite of fruit
3 bites of protien to 1 bite of pasta, potato..etc...
She wants me to go back to 4-5 protein shakes and 1 lean cuisine or chicken or fish a day for 2 weeks and to call her back. I am glad...I need an overhaul...lol