1 week post-op update!
Hello all!
I am one week post-op today! I am doing very well! Surgery went perfectly. I did have some gas pain, but as I was told, walking really helps! I walked soo much in the hospital! (walk,walk,sip,sip)
I was discharged the following afternoon. I still struggle with getting all of my protein and fluids in daily but I am trying. I walk every day, and try to increase the distance daily as well. I started the miralax and gas-x as soon as I got home and have found that they help...well, I think they help. I don't want to stop taking them to find out.
I stopped taking pain meds three days ago and I am not missing them! I do get some pain on my right side after a few bites of jello. Let me say again....pain! I think it is my gallbladder. I have my post-op appointment on the 26th with my surgeon and will bring up that little scream out loud and cry pain with him then.
I am truly amazed at how great I feel most days so far!! Whoo-Hoo! Though, I can tell that I am more tired at the end of the day. I do have a pain here and there from time to time and chalk it up to doing too much!
I am down 20 pounds since surgery seven days ago!! Whoo-Hoo!
I have had more "head hunger" yesterday, than I have experienced in a while! WoW!!! Thinking about bad food really sucks and I swear every time I walk past the TV something tasty is on a slow motion ride into somebody's mouth!
I love to cook, and I have really enjoyed cooking a little meal for my husband the past three days. It makes me feel more normal and I just love it. I am cooking for him the healthier things I will forever be cooking. He is very supportive and says he has loved every meal. I doubt he has noticed the lack of simple carbs in the past few meals.
I return to work tonight. Wish me well! I will do my best to take it as slow as I can. ( I hope my scrubs are a little loose!)
Thank you all for being so wonderful to me on this journey.