UPDATED! Help! Surgery is Wednesday but I just got a call saying there was a mistake with...
Does the hospital have HCAP or charity?? I have insurance with BCBS and they paid 80% the other 20% came from HCAP thru the hospital. They look at your pay and what bills you have and determine if you are approved. They range from 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% coverage. I was 100% based on my income so after the insurance paid their portion the HCAP picked up the rest. Check around and see!! Good luck! Got my fingers crossed for you (xx)!
I have BCBS also and was told I had to pay 20%. I have been planning since Jan for it. But, it was covered 100% because we have met our OOP max for the year. My contract specifically states Bariatric surgery covered at 80% for surgeon, surgeon asst, and anesthesiologist. Even though it specifically stated that, they have paid ALL bills at 100%, me $0.
Would they do the surgery and file and then you can do payments on your portion?
Quote "I have all of my emails and ref. numbers from weeks ago stating that I owe nothing and that my BCBS was paying 100% of the cost."
I think that between your surgeons office and your insurance company (or who ever sent the emails and reference numbers) the surgery should go forward tomorrow! Don't take no for an answer
High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009
If this were a life or death surgery then I would say go ahead and deal with the finances later. But it is elective surgery. I would cancel the surgery and then work with the insurance company and hospital so that you may get some financial aid and not have this stress to deal with.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends