End of my 5 day ketosis diet!
Today was my weigh in from the 5 day ketosis diet. I also was urine tested for compliance and tested as high of level of ketosis as you can get. I did great, losing a total of 13lbs in 5 days! Woo Hoo! The diet was not fun at all with a lot of sickness involved and I never want to see beef or chicken broth again! And to think I used to love broth but after having to consume it for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 5 days straight. Never again!!! LOL!
On a positive note this brings my total weight loss to 29lbs in 3 weeks pre-surgery! The journey continues.

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325
Surgeon, Darren Tishler
that's great! I've enjoyed reading your updates. so what comes next?
Thanks cspotrun!
Next step now is returning back to the medically supervised diet that I was on for the 2 weeks prior to the ketosis diet. That diet is between 800 & 900 cals per day with high protein and somewhat low carbs(just a few veggies and complex carbs each day). I will stay in that diet up until 2 weeks before surgery. At this point the dr. is hoping for surgery sometime in October but first I need to get clearance from my cardiologist by getting an angiogram(cardiac catheterization) due to having a heart issue that developed a few years back after loosing a good amount if weight. I now have 3 stents in one artery.

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325
Surgeon, Darren Tishler
that is awesome! You are having a cath? My cardiologist only had me do an echo stress test. (I have two stents in the same artery..my RCA). I just got insurance approval after jumping all the hoops and they said my surgery will probably be October too! Good luck to you, we can be heart/surgery buddies! LOL
"slow and steady wins the race..."
Thank you! Yeah I need to have the cath cause occasionally I have chest pain and my dr. wants to make sure there are no issues. If there are then of course that will need to be taken care of before proceeding with the RNY so that will prolong the process. So I am crossing my fingers for the all clear.
Congrats on you getting the all clear! Good luck to you as well!

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325
Surgeon, Darren Tishler