What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

on 7/28/15 6:18 am
RNY on 07/17/14

Good Morning!  You guys, can I just tell you how much I need a day to just catch up on all the effing laundry that seems to spontaneously generate while I'm at work?  Either that, or there's a whole other family living with me that I don't know about.  Seriously, there's 3 of us.  3.  I don't understand why the laundry is never done.  /end rant.

Speaking of laundry, what's your least favorite chore?  LOL  I don't actually mind doing laundry, it's the folding and putting away part that I hate the most.  I also hate unloading the dishwasher.

Time since surgery:  Just over a year

B:  coffee, a HB egg and a piece of toast with a schmear of Brummel & Brown

S:  Click Mocha

L:  Buffalo chicken salad, pork rinds and a cheese stick

D:  Gianelli hot Italian sausage patty with peppers and onions.

TOTALS:  Cals:  846  Protein:  79  Carbs:  41  Fat:  44






Sarah M.
on 7/28/15 6:34 am

Laundry never ends at my house either. Right now my son is wanting extra cash so he has offered to do loads for dollars. I admit I jumped all over that!

My least favorite color in anything neon. Neon needed to stay with the 80s. But I look horrible in red and yellow.

B-open face egg white delight

S-baby bell cheese



D-? we are in serious need of a grocery shopping trip

Has anyone tried the frozen adkins meals? I need something I can keep in the freezer for emergency dinners.  

HW 320 RNY 4/13/15 Dr Kevin Tymitz GW 190


on 7/28/15 6:43 am
RNY on 07/17/14

OMG, is neon back?  Please say no, please say no, please say no.





Sarah M.
on 7/28/15 6:52 am

LOL oh my gosh!! I thought you asked about color! I guess I need to engage the brain today.

on 7/27/15 11:39 pm, edited 7/27/15 11:41 pm
RNY on 04/06/15

I hate dusting!!!  I refuse to have knick knacks around the house...its just MORE **** TO DUST!!!  NO thank you!!  ugh

I have 6 people in my house and we cloth diaper the toddler....SO MUCH LAUNDRY!!!  It is NEVER ENDING! 

3 months 3 weeks since surgery

B: 3/4c Fairlife skim milk, 1 scoop Syntrax vanilla bean torte

S: Light string cheese

L: 1oz boneless skinless chicken thighs, with 1/4 cup portabella sliced mushrooms

S: Dannon L&F Greek yogurt

D: 1.5oz steak with 1/4c "twice baked" cauliflower (I accounted for 1/2c, but doubt I will eat that much)

S: SF Popsicle

Totals: Cals: 573  Protein: 76  Carbs: 24  Fat: 14

Oh man, tracking that weight GAIN this morning really sucked :(  I KNOW its from the prednisone....but I am still really bummed to see my little chart go UP....

HW: 328 Program start weight: 309 SW:275.8 CW: 154.6 (12/14/16)

on 7/28/15 6:45 am

Good morning!  I'm tired.  Last night I baked, filled and frosted 72 cupcakes for my birthday today!!  I am happy to say I have not eaten any of them (yet).  My least favorite chore is sweeping and vacuuming.  I hate it!  I don't mind laundry.  It's never ending so I made peace with it years ago...

No clue on my menu!  I'm going to try to be good but its my Birthday 

Have a great day all!

on 7/28/15 7:00 am

Happy Birthday!


on 7/28/15 7:09 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Happy Birthday, hope you have a fabulous day!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 7/28/15 7:41 am

 (SF Low Carb Cake)

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you

Highest weight 287lbs. Weight at surgery 265lbs. RnY 12/06/2012. Personal goal weight 150lbs. Lowest weight 155lbs. Size 28 2012 - size 8 2014. I Will Succeed!


on 7/28/15 8:00 am
RNY on 07/23/14

Happy Birthday! Good for you... where are the 72 cupcakes going, and why did you have to make them yourself??

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



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