What's on your menu, (Photo) Friday?
I forgot to list my pet peeve! Well, we all seem to have issues with open mouth eaters and talking while your mouth is full. It is disgusting, isn't it! LOL
But, my main pet peeve (at the moment) is ice chewers/crunchers. My husbands eats ice ALL the time. They say it is a sign of people having low iron but he just has his checked and it's fine. All I know that it annoys the freaking heck out of me. Crunch, crunch, crunch... if you don't stop, I am going to crunch your face!!! LOL... not really but dang!
Coming late to the party but at least I came right?!
Pet Peeve--oh there are so many to choose from. But I think ultimately my husband's snores are the one thing that makes me out of my mind crazy. I seriously have to remind myself that I love him and do not want to smother him....then of course I kick him to make him move. Thankfully he comes to bed later than I do so as long as I'm asleep when he comes to bed it doesn't usually wake me up.
B-open face egg white delight
L-chicken thigh cucumbers and grapes
S-baby bell
S-pepperoni and cream cheese
Swimming again this evening so excited!
Good (late) morning. It's my last official day at work (although I will likely spend a bunch of my weekend cleaning out my office . . . I don't have it in me to leave a mess for the attorney taking over my files) and I'm hoping to keep the stress eating in check for one more day. The support and encouragement from you all has been awesome this past week and much needed!! THANK YOU!!!!!
Pet Peeve - I'm on board with the open mouth eating, but my absolute pet peeve is people who promise to do something and then go back on their word. If you don't intend to do it in the first place, don't make the commitment!
Carbs yesterday were good at 35g!
Today's plan:
B: Leftover grilled chicken
S: Skinny vanilla latte
L: Ahi Tuna Sashimi and edamame
D: Skirt Steak and broccoli
S: Light and Fit and PB
TOTALS: Calories 888; Protein 115g; Fat 27g; Carbs 34g (yay!!)
Oh hey, guess what? I actually DO have Lyme disease. And it comes with a month's supply of doxycycline. LMAO Looking back on these past 5 weeks or so makes me realize how good I am at ignoring things and not really putting any pieces together. You'd think daily headaches, muscle aches and fatigue combined with the crazy rash would have told me something. But, noooo...I just thought I was tired and sucked it up.

Hi All Late to the party as well. But Ive been mostly absent all week as just got back today from Vacation. My meals have been pitifull (qtys OK, by quality sucked!) all week and it is my sincere hope I can reassert my willpower now that im back and can resume my routine. This week It looks like o managed to only gain a pound. Pet peeves...hmmm mostly when my DH gets so mad at someone on the road for doing???? and then turns around and does whatever ???? he was just complaining about lol...
Pics of the vacay!!! yippee My DS on the deck of our room...we really lucked out getting this place ...
Heres to resuming the routine!