What's on your menu, (Photo) Friday?
Good morning all! So far this week has been a good one and I hope that continues on to the weekend. We are headed up to Minneapolis for the weekend. My hubbie bought me concert tickets for me birthday/anniversary and I am so excited I could just burst!! We are going to Jason Aldean and Kenny Chesney at Target field. Anyone else going to be there? I will post a pic from the concert on Tuesday. No photo for me today.
Question of the day: What's your biggest pet peeve and why? Mine is people chewing with their mouth open. I CANNOT TAKE THE CHOMPING! I also hate when motorist fail to give bicyclists room on the road. As a biker I am scared to death when a dump truck comes with 2 feet of me and absolutely hate it when guys in pickups tailgate me or scream at me for just being on the road.
Time since surgery: 1 year
B: Starbucks Coconut milk latte (total fail, I thought it would be lower carb but its not and no protein this way ) and an Atkins Bar
S: Turkey cheese sausage and coffee
L: Inside of a shredded chicken taco
S: Quest bar
Post workout: EAS Carb Control Shake
D: Crab stuffed flouder
W/V: Started
E: 6 mile run (ugh, it's going to be sooo hot)
Totals: Calories 1158, Protein 103, Carbs 42, Fat 56
Also, a co-worker brought in KRINGLE for her anniversary!! How am I going to resist! Lord give me strength!!
Good Morning all! Today I am exhausted! I work my "real" job from 7:30-4 then commute 45 mins home and work my "saving up for childrens braces job" from 5-9:30. My day shift job is mainly sitting at a desk, my other job is waitressing at a very busy Mexican Cafe in my hometown. So, I have been burning my candle at both ends! Last night I was swamped! Which is good for the "braces fund" but Oh, so tiring the next day. Ugh! I know I shouldnt complain because at my previous weight I could barely walk! The one consolidation to all this is I know my daughters will have knock-out smiles!
My pet-peeves would be table manners, or better yet the LACK of table manners! My mother was a stickler for them! She would call us out on it if we were (smacking, slurping, chewing with our mouths open, talking with food in our mouths, elbows on table, inappropriate conversations) at the dinner table. Im glad she instilled that in me. I am proud to take my children (all 4, yes 4) out to eat. I get compliments constantly on how well behaved and polite they are.
Post-op: 15 months
Breakfast: Premier Protein/Coffee with Davinci Syrup
S: Light Greek Yogurt
L: Premier Protein
S: Light Greek Yogurt
D: Chicken Taco Meat, black beans
I just cannot seem to make it without beans on my menu! They are so carby, but SO GOOD!!
Totals: Calories:745 Protein:106 Carbs:41 Fat:16 Sugar: 16
The things we do for our children! Good for you for giving them something that will benefit them for a lifetime. I'm sure they see you working your tush off and will appreciate the braces even more for it (hopefully). I am not looking forward to my son's second set (full set this time) and my daughters set (she has already had a spacer and retainer). Orthodontics are so expensive but so worth it!
Also, love the pet peeve :) Good for you for instilling good manners in your kids!
Thank You! I was a foster parent for over 10 years and one thing I constantly taught my "kids" on was table manners. I even had one birth parent call me and thank me for teaching their 5 year old table manners. When my children were first placed with me the oldest daughter was 5 and she had never even used a fork. They had never sat at a table and had never had "real" food. I made cute little posters that I put up on the wall by our table that had the rules and funny pictures. For the one of "No talking with food in our mouths" I found a picture of a turtle with its mouth as full as it could with greens. The kids loved it and 5 years later they still talk about how they learned! So, now when we are complimented my heart (and head) swells with joy :)
Just think about all the exercise you are getting as a server!!! Walk, walk, walk, run, run, run.
And, what a good Mom you are to make sure your kids are getting needed braces. One of the homeless guys I work with, has really crooked teeth (I personally think he is a cutie) but he is young and his teeth really hurt his self image. I am going to try to schmooze a dentist I know to see if he knows of any orthodontists that would help this guy out. Wish me luck!!
Good morning:
Have a great time at the concert Nikki, love me some Kenny and Jason!
What is Kringle? I probably shouldn't ask because it can't possibly be good for me.
My biggest pet peeve is people who use words incorrectly or pronounce them correctly; i.e., "libary" instead of library, "apposed to" instead of supposed to.
Today is my baby girl's 15th birthday so I will have a sliver of cake to celebrate.
B: Premier Protein Shake
L: Franklin Farms Veggie Burger w/low sodium cheese & tomato slice
D: ? Probably leftover meatloaf
S: Grapes and a sliver of chocolate cake
Have a great weekend all!

Good Morning and Happy Surgi-versary to me! LOL 1 year, 142 lbs down and 24 lbs to go. It's getting harder and harder...sigh. Plus I haven't lost a pound in two weeks. I think I need to tighten up; this is not the time for me to slack off!
Nikki, so exciting about the concert! I love me some Jason Aldean...
Let's see...I'm with the talking with your mouth full crowd. My husband does it and it's disgusting, which I tell him all the time. Thank God my son didn't pick up that habit. And I recently discovered that my BIL and SIL do it as well. The four of us went out to dinner a few months ago and I was surrounded by full mouth talkers. I had to stare at the table for most of the meal. LOL But the thing I really REALLY hate the most is spitting. OMG, so effing gross. I cannot think of one good reason that a person would have to spit in public and if I see you do it you'll hear me going "ugh, gross".
Time since surgery: 1 year. tra-la-la!
B: coffee, hardboiled egg and a piece of toast w/butter
S: Click Mocha!
L: 3 oz. Buffalo chicken salad on 34 Degree rosemary crackers and a cheese stick
D: Dijon pork chops and roasted summer squash. Yum.
TOTALS: Cals: 811 Protein: 78 Carbs: 52 (so close) Fat: 32