Pre-Op Diet (Liquid vs Other)
So, I'm getting very excited to be moving forward along with some of you others. I don't have my surgery date but have started my pre-op diet. Weird question, many members I see have a weight loss pre-op diet that seems to be mostly liquid. The pre-op diet I was given was just a 1000 calorie diet with protein forward, lower carbohydrates, and limited fats. I realize losing weight before surgery is EVERY surgeon's preference for ease of laprascopic movement, shrinking abdominal wall fat, shrinking liver etc. But why do you think the discrepancy in what surgeons are having people do before surgery? Is it just the type of surgery they are having, how heavy they actually are, or has anyone seen any actual research on this done?
Just a thought, please share yours!
(Full Disclosure Moment-I AM following the diet given to me by my surgeon, have been making all of my good choice ahead of time to make recovery better, and am not questioning/changing/going outside the box on my own, just really curious that is all!)
on 7/1/15 2:26 am, edited 7/1/15 2:27 am
It could be the type of surgery you are going for. It could also be that you were put on the 1 month (or more)pre op diet and then once you have your surgery date they might put you on the 2 week liquid diet. That's how mine worked for RNY, but I also know some docs don't do the liquid diet. All doctors are different and you just go with what ever your doc wants. Good Luck and I hope you have a date soon!
Generally speaking I think these are two different phases. When I joined my clinic the dietitian gave me a meal plan to follow while I was doing my appointments for approximately 10 months. When I finally met the surgeon (a different process in Ontario) I was given my surgery date at which point I was also given the Optifast liquid diet supplement which I had to do just prior to surgery to shrink my liver. This may clear up some confusion for you I hope :) you may find your surgeon will also put you on the liquid diet close to your surgery date, but each surgeon is different.
My understanding is that most people do better with a very restrictive diet, so it is easier for them to do the liquid. I think people don't pay much attention to the little things they eat. I did the liquid diet for two weeks prior to surgery and it was hard for me. I did lose some weight, but I was going crazy!! Good luck!!
It really just depends on the surgeons preference and what their general attitude toward surgery prep is.
Some surgeons, like mine, prefer not to do a radical diet right before surgery because it stresses the body and they want their patients to go into surgery as strong as possible. Others focus on losing the maximum amount of weight pre-op instead.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
My surgeon has everyone follow the South Beach Diet. I had a six month pre-op requirement for my insurance so I've been following the South Beach since November 2014. I asked about what is required before surgery. He has you do a liquid diet the day before surgery and of course nothing after midnight the night before. It is strange how they all have different requirements.

Seminar Sept 2014 - 221
First 6 month weigh in - November 2013 - 220
Surgery Day 8/26/15 - 199
Current Weight (9/1/16) 128.0 RNY 5' 2"
So, I'm getting very excited to be moving forward along with some of you others. I don't have my surgery date but have started my pre-op diet. Weird question, many members I see have a weight loss pre-op diet that seems to be mostly liquid. The pre-op diet I was given was just a 1000 calorie diet with protein forward, lower carbohydrates, and limited fats. I realize losing weight before surgery is EVERY surgeon's preference for ease of laprascopic movement, shrinking abdominal wall fat, shrinking liver etc. But why do you think the discrepancy in what surgeons are having people do before surgery? Is it just the type of surgery they are having, how heavy they actually are, or has anyone seen any actual research on this done?
Just a thought, please share yours!
(Full Disclosure Moment-I AM following the diet given to me by my surgeon, have been making all of my good choice ahead of time to make recovery better, and am not questioning/changing/going outside the box on my own, just really curious that is all!)
it is because surgeons are individual ppl,not clones of each other.
Every surgeon has his/her idea about what works in the way of a preop diet. You will also find this inmost op diets.
Thanks for everyone's responses. I actually was curious enough that I went searching for the backing up on this and found the position statement from the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery. Recommendation is for 5-10% weight loss immediately before surgery for those with hepatomegaly to help decrease liver volume (which I already understood) and a specific diet isn't recommended one over another (which is where I was curious).
That being said, yes I'm following my doctor's plan, yes I'm doing everything I'm supposed to according to the MD/NUT's recommendation from when I saw them. Again it was just intellectual curiosity.
But happy to see so many responses and know that people are in the same boat with me! I confirmed that the office sent all paperwork for pre-authorization as of this morning, so here comes the waiting that I'm familiar with!