Curiosity. .. about alcohol any ppl who drank sooner then allowed
So I know I'm only 1 month post surgery basically as of today. An I know curiosity killed the cat... however I wana know has anyone drank alcohol before the recommended time? And if anyone has drank alcohol before the 6 month or 1 yr depending on what your Dr said time frame, what happens? I get that they say you'll get sick blah blah but is death a possibility or is drumping main issue or that it's just empty calories n defeating your purpose n that's y you shouldn't do it?
on 7/2/15 2:02 pm
Most people have a MUCH lower tolerance post-op, so one drink can get some folks completely smashed. Alcohol poisoning is no "blah blah blah" joke.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
on 7/2/15 2:26 pm - WI
While you are in the rapid weight loss phase, after WLS, your liver is working extra hard to help your body lose fat. Adding alcohol to an already stressed liver is NOT A GOOD IDEA! It could cause serious health issues.
You can have fun without alcohol. Just sit back and watch all your friends make complete idiots of themselves, then drive them home.
on 7/2/15 3:24 pm
Bonus points if you snap pictures of them doing stupid things while they're drunk!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Thank you first off for your none sarcastic reply. I legit just wondered cuz ppl said they drank 3 months out some 6 months some a year n some not at all. I personally was a big drinker b 4 but now am just scared in general to ever drink again. And your right I went out with my friends Friday n they were drunk n dancing everywhere our running joke is I turn up on half water half cranberry shots cuz everyone tries to buy me shots n of course I can't drink lol so by 12 everyone is drunk anyhow I pretend. I mostly am tired of sitting around sick n kinda down with all changes so a night of karaoke or dancing up lifts my spirits thanks for your reply.
The chances of dying are pretty slim (unless, of course, you drink and drive), but you might dump, you might get drunk very quickly, you might get sick, or, depending on how early out you are, it might burn your still tender insides.
What it will definitely do is add a bunch of extra calories and carbs with absolutely no nutritional value. In that respect, it is the same as candy bars or ice cream or potato chips (although at least those can have some nutritional value)... You would be sabotaging your efforts to learn how to make healthy food choices and make those a choices a true lifestyle change.
Every "vet" here will tell you that the people we see who don't make every effort to follow the "rules" on food choices during the first 6-9 months (we all make mistakes... I am talking about conscious decisions to go "off plan") are the ones most likely to struggle to lose all of the weight they want to lose or struggle with early regain.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Thank you Lora n I know about empty calories n at this point getting my fiber in is hard liquids I just now am gully getting in. In my opti class ppl were talking about drinking 3 months 6 ect which is why I wondered. Getting sick is no fun or laughing matter I'm just now getting used to being able to have the protein shakes n not feeling full after couple sips so cheating isn't an option am drinking at this point isn't something I see me being comfortable to try for atleast yr out like dr said but hey I have a curious mind lol buy at end of day I know better.
We got the surgery to help us follow the rules. If we get the surgery, then find ways to go around it, then what did we struggle and go through surgery for? Remember back to when you were trying so hard to get insurance approved, and actually were put to sleep and went under the knife so you could have a glorious tool to help you get healthy. Now ask why its so important for you to circumvent that tool and put yourself at risk to get drunk. Seems kinda stupid, doesn't it?