Getting ready to have a bypass at 64 - any other seniors here?
I am 64 years old and in the pre-surgery phase for gastric by-pass. In 2011 I had a lap band put in and had it for almost a year. I struggled to lose weight with it - over the course of the year I had it, I lost a total of 40 lbs and much of that was from being dehydrated and starved. It was not a good experience for me and after one year, it slipped out of place and I had to have it removed. I never wanted it in the first place, but it was all the insurance I had at the time would approve. Now I have better insurance and am on the way to a bypass, FINALLY. I am a good 140 lbs overweight. I have a very slow metabolism. I don't expect miracles from this, but any loss will be better than carrying around the weight I now do, which is causing or exaserbating other health issues I have - gout, arthritis, high blood pressure. I hope to have a surgery date in late Sept. or early Oct.
Are there any other folks here near or about my age who have gone through this surgery later in life as I am planning to do? Would love to hear your experiences.
Thanks much,
Thanks for the reply Kathy! I agree - and that is the main reason I am doing this. Of course being older, I know I'll be leaving the planet sooner than later, but for whatever time I have left I want to LIVE life to the fullest instead of being crippled by my weight and all these obesity related health issues. I want my life back!! I wasn't always heavy - I remember life before this "curse" - and I want it back!! Wishing you well, Catherine
I was in my 50's. In our local support group, there's a couple who were in their 60's and one who was age 71 when she had RNY. The only thing we all regret is not taking the leap sooner. One good thing about being older, most of us are surgery-veterans, we tend to approach and recover from surgery more calmly. Lastly, here's my thought... our chances of substantial regain are lessened because we're closer to the old-age shrinking and shriveling-up stage of our lives!
LOL!! My mother, who is 84 and 1/2 the size she was in younger years, keeps telling me to just be patient, that soon I should start shrinking!! But it doesn't seem to be the case for me, so far, and I can't wait any longer! I do have an extremely slow metabolism so I really don't know what to expect from the surgery. I have a few much younger friends who have had both bypass and sleeve surgeries and had fantastic results, but honestly, I'll be happy with what ever loss I do experience. At this stage of the game, having been overweight for a good 30 years, I am used to how I look - it's more about health now. There's so little I can do anymore between the gout flares and the arthritis in my lower body. I don't know if this surgery and weight loss will CURE those issues, but it will surely help! And I agree, I have MUCH more patience at this stage of life, and having had a few other surgeries under my belt, including total knee replacement in 2012, I know what to expect to some degree. So - now to make it through the pre-surgery phase. I am anxious to get on with it, having been through all this pre-surgery stuff with the band, but since that was more than 3 years ago, the program I attend is making me repeat all of it - ugh! Good news is I only have to lose 5% of my weight before surgery and I'm already 1/2 there.... the last 7 pounds shouldn't be too hard. The waiting for surgery is what's hard! We are moving Sept 1st and I figured it would not be a good idea to do the surgery before that - can't be laid up and recovering when there is so much to do to get ready for the move. I'm hoping for a date sometime in Sept - the earlier the better.
So anyway, it is late here and I'm about to sign off and try to get some sleep. Have a nice evening. I sent you a friend request that I hope you'll accept so we can keep in touch. Thanks for the replies!
I was 53 and am now 59 (well, 59 and 3/4!) It was a great move and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I am aging more healthfully than if I were morbidly obese. Not a doubt in the world!
I learned to love exercise, but now after 6 years it comes and goes. And I learned to eat properly but now I do have to pay close attention. It's not a free ride, as you know. But chalk it up to being a little older too - I've started to say this: Granted, there are a few things you can't take for granted! And what you eat and moving your body properly can't be taken for granted!
I had an easy recovery and no complications. Took pain medication for only one day after returning home, and followed my post op program to the letter. OH and a local support group were huge helps along the way.
Best wishes to you!
Just turned 56 three days ago. Almost to the weight I was in my early 20's before kids.

HW: 240 SW: 224 Goal: 130