CLOTHES - I've lost almost 95 lbs and need to get rid of my clothes
I sold some designer clothing on eBay with great success. Plenty of money to pay for my Gwynnie Bee membership and buy some new (to me) stuff at thrift stores. I have a gorgeous cashmere coat that I plan to take to a consignment store in the fall.
Look into as well. Looks to be a decent option for many here.
congratulations on your losses! What an inspiration!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
I'm struggling with this right now too. I don't have a lot of expensive name brand stuff but I have a lot of what I consider expensive work clothes. Some with tags still on because I don't have to go into the office that often so by the time I did I had lost too much weight to wear these. We don't have many consignment stores where I am. I just found one an hour away but they only take up to a size 20 which I will definitely look into but considering I'm barely in a 20 NOW that's not going to help with my bigger clothes lol.
I've been told ebay doesn't work for clothes a lot...I mean I don't have designer stuff. But I have stuff from Lane Bryant, Christopher & Banks, things like that. It's going to be so expensive to replace my entire wardrobe but so worth it!!

HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131
TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds
I work near downtown Sacramento and there is a Goodwill there that has all the high end, fancy stuff that the surrounding office workers donate. I went a few weeks ago and bought a brand new pair of Chico's khakis with the LABELS STILL ON THEM for $13 whopping dollars! I bough 5 pairs of pants and two pairs of shoes for $61.00. Check out your downtown areas or higher end areas of town - that's where all the goodies are!
I gave a bunch to the daughter of my moms friend, who is recovering from cancer and down on her luck. The rest I just took to goodwill, savers, etc. I have bought a lot of my"new" clothes there too. On Mondays its 30% off its 50% off on the holidays, and at Salvation Army, Wednesday's are family days, half off clothes. I hit clearance racks at stores. I am the bargain shopper of