Sugar free beverage options?
Hello! I am a veteran on this site, but haven't posted in awhile. I had another poster respond to a post of mine basically throwing me under the bus for continuing to ask for support and advice and not taking this advice.
This really turned me off from the site.
But I decided to try again. I just have a question on sugar free beberage options.
I love soda but realize I cannot drink it. I do enjoy ice water but also need variety. I drink just one cup of coffee a day. I usually use coffee creamer flavored kind but need to find something sugar free. I am very nervous to use fake sugar like splenda or the like.
I have tried crystal light it is ok but gets boring. I tried sugar free kool aid packs u put into water. I am trying to avoid carbonation. Any suggestions?
Someone, just a day or two ago, posted a picture of an infuser water bottle. It has a compartment in it for cucmbers and fruit that infuse the water.
I use strawberry fields hot tea and give it some body with cashew milk by silk. It is sort of sweet and creamy.
Glad to see you back.
On the person that was rude to you-I think the block feature is primo. Like any public place, this place has a mix of **** sapiens...

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
Hi my name is Audrey, and I am a Diet Mountain Dew addict. :)
But seriously, back a few years ago when carbonation made Pouchy angry, I would give my soda bottles a few shakes to let out the fizz before drinking it.
Nearly four years later, I now just drink it straight. No shaking necessary.
Highest weight: 340
Surgery weight: 313
Surgery date: 10/24/11
Current weight 170... 170 pounds lost!!!!
I am not a doctor, but I play one at work.
I love Diet Dew! I've always found that it has less carbonation than other sodas, even pre-op.

I second infused water... citrus fruit slices, mint, cucumber or 2-3 juice ice cubes.
Crystal Light Lemonade, Lipton makes a tea stick that I like it's 20 cals but I'm willing to spend those.
I drink coffee a lot... fully leaded from 1 month on without issues with a splash of milk (soy or almond) and a pump of SF Torani Syrup.
At Starbucks Sugar Free Vanilla or Cinnamon Dolce Soy Lattes (a couple of times a month)
Protein Shakes
Unsweetened Tea 3/4 glass, 1/4 Crystal Light Lemonade sort of an Arnold Palmer
Hot Tea or Iced Tea Lattes (I like Rooibos)
On the personalities... its like any community... some people you will love and want to invite to your backyard BBQ, some people are like those you hope don't spot you in the supermarket ;) good outweigh, the not my cup of tea LOL speaking of drinks. Block, ignore, don't engage, and try not to be overly sensitive... tone, meaning, intention, can be lost in cyberspace, assume they are having a bad day and should probably have logged off ;)
Best, Shelly
on 6/14/15 11:03 pm, edited 6/14/15 11:04 pm
I really love herb teas, and I drink a lot of them, especially since surgery, because that changed how regular water tasted. I am always tring new ones, but here are some favorites:
Teavana brand: Citrus Lavender Sage, Peach Tranquility
Mighty Leaf brand: Mint Melange, Chamomile Citrus
Good Earth brand: Sweet and Spicy
Celestial Seasonings brand:Bengal Spice (with a splash of unsweetened soy milk!)
Tazo brand: Passion, Organic Apple Red, Wild Sweet Orange
I also really like Crio Bru. This is ground roasted cocoa beans, like coffee except it is cocoa. You brew it like coffee in a French press. I add unsweetened soy milk, and it is really good, warm or chilled.

Minute Maid water enhancer drops are good and portable in your purse, International Delight makes flavoured creamers in sugar free, Starbucks makes a lot of sugar free syrups that haven't been a problem for me and I drink 2-3 decaf sugar free iced and hot lattes a day.
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.
Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.