How do artificial sweetners
Affect you????
Good morning ladies and gents. I have been drinking massive quantities of water with mix-ins. I have found that certain flavors are triggering cravings- Crush strawberry seems to squash the cravings, but Hawaiian Lemonberry triggers cravings. I'm sharing this, as this really ha**** home. I was wondering why every single time I had lemonberry water I got the munchies for sugar. Holy cow do I get the munchies. This is very critical info for me as according to my nutritionist, artificial sweetners can cause the same reaction as sugar in your body, causing insulin to be released. I do not know the science behind it, but supposedly this happens.
So with this said, wondering how artificial sweetners affect you?? Do you seem hungrier after eating something with them? Does one make you crave more while another doesn't? I've used splenda and truvia without having this issue. Have you even noticed a difference??
They absolutely cause cravings (in most people) and they are really bad for your body. If you can limit them or cut them out completely you'll reduce your cravings and you'll feel better. This is just what I know from personal experience and research that I've done. If you have concerns talk to your NUT/Dr. to see what they think would be right for you.

HW: 276 SW: 254.1 GW: 125 CW: 154.5
I interchange between Splenda, Stevia, xylitol, and erythritol with no problems. I use the last two for baking. Even though xylitol and erythritol are sugar alcohols, they don't rip up my tummy the way Maltilol does. I have not noticed myself having any type of cravings with any types of sugar subs.
I do stay away from saccharin-have just never liked the taste, aspertame. There's also another artificial sugar sub called acesulfame potassium, which is in some low calorie products. I do okay with that stuff as well.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
on 6/10/15 11:24 am
Nope. I have read all the "research" (very little peer review in scientific journals) and tested it with my own eating. I have never found a link with testing my blood sugar post-prandial, insulin levels, or food cravings. I use a lot of flavorings in my water, splenda or saccharine in my coffee and still have managed to handle my food addiction and lose almost 200 lbs.
I am not denying it may be a trigger for other people. I mean, my husband can smoke a cigarette while out at a bar and not pick one up again for months. I know that I am one cigarette away from being a 3-pack a day smoker -- everyone is different.
You are certainly smart to avoid it if it's a trigger for you!!
One thing I have noticed -- and this is completely anecdotal -- but in my real life support group there is a trend amongst those who never hit goal or who've suffered significant regain. Diet pop/soda. I have no idea why that would be -- but it's a very obvious thread that I have noticed --- but I don't even begin to know why or if it's just coincidence...

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
splenda - not only I itch when I have too much during a week (I can handle one serving - every other day), but I also get more hungry, and bloated.
Aspartame - once in a while is OK - but I do get headaches if i drink /anything with it... most of the time.
saccharine - that actually does not bother me.. I can have some (so far) every day - i love my diet tonic..(always mixed with water)
Any SA - including erythritol and xylitol - gives me horrible gas and pain.. soooo much pain..
Stevia - I like it in most foods... but if I add too much ( an accident) it does taste bad to me.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I live off Diet Mountain Dew and Rockstar Recovery. No probs with cravings at all. But that doesn't mean it's not a trigger for others I suppose.
I do know I can't do a lot of sugar alcohols, or it absolutely rips me apart. No sugar free candy for me. Pure Protein chocolate deluxe bars, at 4g of sugar alcohols, are my upper limit.
Highest weight: 340
Surgery weight: 313
Surgery date: 10/24/11
Current weight 170... 170 pounds lost!!!!
I am not a doctor, but I play one at work.