Holy Scneikies Batman!
My surgery was 4/1/15..
To date I have lost 45lbs, This all is sooooo very surreal! I was a size 22/24 2x/3x, those jeans fall off with the button and zipper still done up. I bought one pair of size 20 and one pair of size 18 jeans for as I lost weight. I barely got to wear them, this weekend I bought a pair of size 16 jeans-I let them sit on the dresser for a couple of days, worked up the nerve with a lot of reassuring "Its ok if they don't fit, they will. Don't be upset if they don't fit." Kind of talk....hesitently I slipped my leg into them..
Holy crap it went in...
More reassuring talk, "maybe the manufacturer made a defective pair of jeans." Slowly with great pause, I put the second foot in....it fit too....but ok....now to pull them up....this is the part where I would normally not be able to get them up over my thighs. And would fall onto the bed in defeat, my legs still stuck in the jeans, like a big girls straightjacket for legs. NOT THIS TIME BABY!!!!! HOLY SHNEIKIES BATMAN!!! Those jeans slid up over my thighs and butt and zipped and.....I did not have to lay down and suck it in.....the last time I wore a size6 was about 30 yrs ago. Folks... I still feel like I am a sz 22...this is one heck of a crazy ride and mind trip....All I can say is HOLY SCHNIEKIES BATMAN!!!!
Love and Laughter!
I love this post. I have experienced the same so many times before.
Keep following your plan, and you will be having this moment more and more often..but the number will say "6" instead of 16!!! :)
Just wait and see! It is going to happen for you!
Also, it took about a year before I no longer "gravitated" towards 12-14s. When I was a 22-28, I would go to the 12. When I was a 6 I would still pick the 12.
Now, I just start with small and try to figure out if I need an XS or a medium.
You are so going to love shopping!!! I have always HATED shopping (even when I was thinner in high school). Now I love it. LOVE it! Everything fits and everything looks good.
Enjoy the ride...it is going to be an awesome one!

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
Don't become too fond of those 16s. Before you know it they will be way too big. Following the same plan as you I went from a size 26 to a size 0 or 1. I've been this weight now for about two years. It surely is a wild journey and like Skinny,it took me over a year to realize that I was now a skinny person. I still laugh sometimes when people comment on how thin I am. It hasn't gotten old yet and I hope it never does! Congratulations!