No Liquid With Meals Is The Hardest
Admission, raising my hand in guilt that whomever "they" are, "they" have met too many people like me that will ask multiple times, "now, is it before or after meals we're not suppose to drink?" What's boggling is how some of you remember supplement and lab stats so well. I have to keep a laminated supplement guide in my purse to study when standing forever in the vitamin isle and pretty sure I'll never get the lab stuff. Sorry, I'm not smarter than a 5th grader...or is it 4th grader...can't remember.
I dont want to start a "my plan" war. However, are you SURE that you plan says 30 minutes after eating for a beverage?
My plan wants 45-60 minutes.... The way the dietician explained it to me there are nerves and hormonal responses that need to take place to register full/satisfied. If the food is removed too soon, these responses dont have adequate time to take place.
But I totally hear you about the having to wait. Especially when I am running behind on taking my vitamins.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
on 5/13/15 1:47 pm
I am not the OP. But I am 100% sure that my plan says to wait until 30 minutes after. I find that a lot of the time, I don't drink that soon, because the feeling of fullness is strong, and I don't want to add to it so soon.
I am also sure that my plan says nothing 30 minutes before as well. I really wonder why, though. Is it the stupidity thing mentioned earlier in this thread? For me, I do feel that some liquids (like a hot tea, especially with a splash of soy milk) make me feel full, and I don't then feel hungry for a meal.

Surprisingly, this has not been hard to get used to at all. It became my new normal immediately. I only drink water and flavored water, and since I gave up soda over 2 years ago, drinking isn't that exciting anyway. There is NO REASON not to drink right up until you start eating. I always order a water and drink as much as I can until my meal comes. I don't drink for 30-45 minutes after I eat. I too think this is a major factor in maintaining your weight loss, as is keeping calories and carbs in check.
Yes, my plan 100% says no drinking 30 mins before and at least 30 after. And I know that it can push the food through and make you hungry again sooner. But mostly in my classes they spoke of how there won't be room for liquids AND food, and when it's meal time you must get your protein and nutrients in first. Got it... both thing totally make sense to me.
But for me, if I DO take a sip of my water with a meal, the whole meal comes up. It's like they don't mix at all. I get sick. So... hey... what a great way to learn and make it the new normal!
I, too have begun the habit of watching the clock as soon as I'm done eating, and even sometimes I'll cut my meal a little short in anticipation of quenching my thirst even sooner. (Still getting all my protein in, though... so it's okay.) Funny - I never thought I'd be more interested in drinking water than finishing my meal! (If you'd told me this prior to RNY I would've said you were pulling my leg!)
It's still hard, though. Thanks for all the informative replies... good to know I'm not alone with this particular struggle.
on 5/19/15 7:00 am
I set a timer after I eat and fix something and put it in the fridge so when the timer goes off my drink is made and ready. It does get easier. I will say this was one of the hard parts of WLS.
Drinking with meals will wash the food out and you will want to eat more. So just keep that in mind.
If someone tells you that you can drink with your meals do not listen. There are some here who have and kept their weight off. The vets will tell you to be successful don't drink while eating.
I totally agree with you. It really sucks to not drink with our food, and to wait so long afterwards. I'm more than ready to grab that glass once my 30 minutes are up. It's really bad when I have something salty or spicy.
I'm also one of those who doesn't worry about drinking before a meal. It's like a funnel in there: if I drink right before I eat, by the time I actually swallow the first bite, the liquid is out of the pouch. I usually drink right before eating, and it helps.
But, I figure this, and all the other inconveniences of surgery, are a small price to pay for losing all this weight, and for trying to keep it off in the future.
150 lost and maintaining!