My hairrrrrrr
I have long thick hair and it started falling out like crazy around month four. I think protein is the main need to help it from becoming really thin. I'm now at 14 months post surgery and I've just now noticed that it's growing back. I kept a red solo cup in the shower to fill with my hair when I was washing it. For months each time I washed it I would fill that cup to the top. My hair is one of my best features so it was pretty hard. I even had to have my carpet cleaner fixed three times for hair messing up the roller and nearly burning up the motor. It will get better but I did notice the more protein I took in the less the hair fell out. I started taking Biotin daily melts at 8 months out and I do believe it's helped with the regrowth. I now have tons of little hairs coming in. When losing the hair I could tell by how many times I had to twist the holder around my pony tail. Normal was two twists, at it's worst it was almost four times around. Good luck.
I have had long hair (to my waist) all my life. I kept thinking, "I ought to cut it, I am xx years old now!" but it was still healthy and very thick and was my best feature so I kept it long at 57 and WOW did my hair take a hit. Lost so much I thought I would be bald ... but ... it did stop, it did come back and now it is shiny and healthy and still long -- though I did cut about 14" off so it's in the middle of my back. Don't despair... even for those of us with very long hair that is a lot of our identity, it is SO WORTH IT to get your health back, to slip into comfortable clothing, to run around with kids, skip up those steps and not even think about it.
And I agree with the poster above went from two twists of the pony tail holder, to 4 or 5 (!!) and I am now back to two twists!!! :) Yay!
It does come back, just take care of your health. Take your vitamins, keep up the protein and don't worry!! Good luck!!
Ugh.. I know how you feel. I've always had hair past my waist, thick and curly. It fell out in chunks. I took it really hard. Finally had to cut it practically up to my ears because it was so sparse. I wear wigs and hats now all the time. It is what it is. I think I'm an extreme case. My protein levels have come back low the last two times I had my labs. Since I cut it it does seem to be growing in thicker. It seem healthy and shiny. It's going to take time but I believe it will grow back. I'd still do it all over again.
I had to cut mine off and I'm just now starting to grow it back out and I'm almost 3 years out. Keep in mind that with Biotin you can actually grow facial hair. Personally I would rather lose hair and wear a wig than grow a permanent beard.
My surgical team mainly recommends keeping up the protein and mutivitamins, but I started a biotin supplement too. I'm told the biotin will help with regrowth but not retention of the hair... and it may grow on my face as well. I don't need more of that (facial hair) but I am taking the chance. I just assume I am going to lose hair - it is very common after all. My hair is shoulder length and if it looks really bad, I will cut it and grow it again. Totally worth the trade off for my health, IMO - but then again, my hair hasn't started falling out yet so this is all easy for me to say, right???
Hang in there!!! Your hair will still be beautiful - see AlaskaSusan's profile, and all the others with long hair here. And you'll be thin and healthy with long hair, even better.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
I'd always had long hair but by month 5 it was coming out in handfuls and looked absolutely awful. It was making me miserable so I cut it short and I LOVE it. The hair loss has pretty much stopped at this point (almost 10 months out) but I don't think I'll be growing it long again.