Really.... why do you test it?

on 5/3/15 9:05 am, edited 5/3/15 9:05 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On May 3, 2015 at 3:32 PM Pacific Time, bubbosmama wrote:

Where did you see pride in that?  I don't understand why people purposely gorge on foods to test their pouches, I am aware that I got obese by making bad decisions so I take steps to not do this one.... not because I am too proud but because I know just how fallable I am.  Ignorance is bliss .....



I see pride in every post you have made  in this thread. Most ppl in real recovery know better than to be prideful about how good they are doing. They know one bite,one drink one smoke and it is all over...till they struggle back on the wagon. 

They also know that they are vulnerable to a slip every second of every day. They know it can happen to them just s easily as the person next to them. 

Just because you haven't slipped...yet, doesn't mean you won't. 4 months is NOTHiNG,compared to the REsT of your life!




on 5/3/15 10:57 am - Canada

You are more than entitled to your interpretation. I was not talking about slipping at all... I was talking about people who purposely eat large amounts of something to test what they can get away with.  You see what you see, and in recovery I may not like it when bullcrap is called on me, but I take it as part of the journey.  From someone who throws random clichés out and offers no insight to the person to whom they are expressing themselves, I don't see how that follows with any of the steps of recovery but you have shared your thoughts, I have heard them.  I have been in recovery for 8 years just not from food.  And to anyone out there who is going day by day.... one day is worth a lifetime if that is how far you have come.  Safe journey.

on 5/3/15 11:15 pm - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

I'm not one to newbie-shame anyone but it's a long road post-op full of the same obstacles you had before.  Food is still delicious, nieces and nephews still have birthday parties, and sometimes you'll be caught unprepared at someone's house for dinner on spaghetti night.  Eventually you'll put something in your mouth you "shouldn't" and you'll learn whether it agrees with you or not.

Perfection is not a realistic goal.

on 5/3/15 11:29 pm - Canada

Funny... when sentences start off with I am not one to do xyz and are followed by BUT.  I understand that many take what I wrote as boastful, naïve, etc.  and that is fine.  I was not trying to imply that I thought I was or would be perfect at this, what I was expressing was a complete level of confusion and frustration at people on here who don't just eventually test the waters a bit, but people who purposely eat foods to see if they can get away with them. I don't understand it.  As a recovering addict, not from food, of many years, I completely understand that life is full of tempations, stresses etc.  I still will not sit down with a dozen donuts just to see how many I can have before I get violently ill with the hope that I will get sick enough that I will not ever want to do it again... that may be what I want to do, but life has taught me that that is not what I can do... not if I want to live a healthy life

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