My Story - in the hopes it helps anyone else looking into RNY or WLS
Wonderfully honest blog. Thanks so much for sharing it and your journey with us! Congratulations. And know that God has that perfect man for you to date you just haven't met him yet. I didn't meet my husband until I was thirty one and he was the perfect match for me. Just love yourself and God and He will work it all out at just the right time.
on 4/30/15 5:22 am
on 4/30/15 5:22 am
RNY on 12/29/14
Thanks for the link to your blog. We should all be proud of ourselves for the efforts we make. You have so much to be proud of and so much to offer.
BTW, anyone who links to By Common Consent is someone I want as a friend. :-) I will be watching out for you on this forum!