What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?
Happy Wednesday all! It's all downhill from here. LOL It's looking like another spectacular day here; I think we can safely say that spring has officially arrived in the NE.
My son's game last night was kind of a blowout, but my boy had 2 hits and one of the 2 RBIs they actually got. LOL I've been here before; they just need to put a win on the board and that will motivate them. HA! Who's got two thumbs and will dissect every single nuance of every single game this season? This girl! *baseballmomsarecrazy*
So, I realized last night that I am a magazine hoarder. Seriously. I have subscriptions to like 15 magazines. I never pay for them, I get them free from like rewards country and freebizmag, and when an offer comes up for a mag I like, I sign up. My magazine rack overflows with the likes of Rachael Ray, Prevention, Us, Rolling Stone, Family Circle, Smithsonian... and a bunch of others I can't recall off the top of my head. I need an intervention. LOL
Time since surgery: 9 1/2 months-ish
B: coffee and a Special K ham, egg and pepper jack flatbread sandwich
S: Friendship Fit to Go 4%
L: Buffalo chicken salad and pork rind crackers
D: ham and cheese 1 egg omelet with a piece of Sara Lee 45 cal whole wheat toast
TOTALS: Cals: 861 Protein: 82 Carbs: 44 Fat: 42
Have a great day girls!

Good morning all! It is beautiful here in Wisconsin which is good because if I want to park free I have to walk a mile to work. Oh the joy of working downtown. But I'm looking at it as additional steps rather than a pain in the booty. Lately I've been feeling like our family is on activity overload. I need to remember that my son's lacrosse practices only last for 8 weeks and the end of the school year is always hectic.
AV, I bought some Baby Lips and I must admit I love it! Thanks for the tip :)
Time since surgery: almost 10 months
B: SF Latte, Thin Addictives Pistachio, Laughing Cow Light Wedge, String Cheese
S: 1/2 Quest Bar
L: Grilled Cheese with turkey, brie and apples
S: String Cheese
D: Tuna noodle casserole with extra tuna
Post workout: EAS Carb Control Shake
S: Skinny Cow Snickdoodle Ice Cream Sandwich
W/V: Started
E: 5 mile run
Totals: Calories 1119, Protein 90, Carbs 112, Fat 39
Have a great day all :)
Good morning all!
I also have a serious magazine problem AV. I need to quit them as they just stack up! But I can't quit you, magazines, I just can't! LOL
Getting everything in order and preparing to return to work next Monday. Actually I was laid off about 3 weeks before surgery, found a new job, had surgery and now... Start a new job with my new innards too. In preparation I started to put my winter work clothes into storage and realized... There is no reason to store them. It's donation time! Wow it's a weird but good feeling. And then I realized I have to shop /find work clothesline that fit as I have very little that I can use. A few things - one suit, one blouse, one top - fit. I am going through my spring/summer storage today to see what I can salvage. Pickings are slim already. What an a amazing feeling! And it will only get better from here. Time to familiarize myself with the joys of thrift store shopping! Yay!
Here is my plan for today. Purée stage until next week - making the best of it.
Time since surgery: 3 weeks (23 days)
B - premier shake
S - light Laughing Cow wedge
L - 1/4 c FF refried beans, 2% cheddar cheese stick (3/4 oz)
S - 1/4 c plain FF Greek yogurt, squirt SF Torani syrup
D - 2oz pot roast (the Eggface method/recipe), puréed
totals: 446 cals, 65 prot, 17 carb, 13 fat
exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike (done!)
W/V - in progress
enjoy your day everyone

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
2 other good options for this period of weight loss (Esp. for work clothes) are gwynieebee.com (clothes rental) and ThreadUP (online thrift store, where you can send your old clothes and get either money back or credit at the store). Good luck, it's a fun time when you just keep changing size every couple of weeks :)
thank you! I just signed up with Gwynnie Bee and expect my first shipment today - just in time for the new job! I will check out ThreadUp for sure.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
*baseballmomsarecrazy* TRUE THAT!! I am a baseball Mom that played softball for years and years. So my daughter gets all embarrassed when the coaches ask me to help them out during practices! BWHAHAHAH
I don't get any magazines! I used to get Interweave Knitting and Clean Eating for a while. But nothing right now.
3 weeks 2 days post op
B: 1 egg scrambled with 1/3rd cup low fat cottage cheese (I ate half and the toddler ate the other half)
L: Small piece of turkey sausage and veggie frittata
S: L&F greek yogurt, toasted coconut
D: Grilled chicken breast that I will grind up, 1.5oz
S: 1 cup skim milk with 1/2 scoop Syntax Vanilla Bean Torte powder
Totals: Cals: 469 Protein: 66 Carbs: 28 Fat: 9
Water and vitamins going down well. Went for a walk last night, and will do the same tonight!
I am a HUGE baseball fan - a lifelong devoted Red Sox fan. But I can't play worth a darn. And I think it's so cool that you can help the teams out. There are a few Mom's leagues around where I live - maybe you could play again!!
ETA: I don't think I could do a ground up grilled chicken breast. I'm poaching mine, either in broth or in tomatoes, to keep it super moist. How is the grilled meat working for you?

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
I WILL play in a softball league again, when my boys are older. My husband works long hours, I work full time and have no one to watch them while I practice! ;)
My Dad is like amazing when it comes to the grill. The chicken breast stays super moist!! I can never grill them like he does! We eat at my parent's house on Wednesday nights. So I know he will make chicken tonight :)